Puddleby Court Log: 3 Autumn, year 535 of The Ascendancy. 16:54
In the matter of Tarf v Ther' Anger, accused of “slander, libel, and harrasment”
Before the jurors: Thog, Suu'ub III, Theo, Ace Rimmer, Caulitan, Gandor Durin, Babajaga, Prue, Tonle.
The Honourable Judge Haengemie, presiding.
With Bellafae serving as Bailiff.
To all who read these precepts, the following transcript of this trial is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge.
Clera, reporting.
[Bellafae] This court is now in session, The Honourable Judge Haengemie presiding.
[Haengemie] <standard pre-trial court briefing>
[Tarf] I recently sued TherAnger for luring algernon to the ocean. Ever since, he has been bk bombing me, and otherwise harrasing.
[Tarf] He has been seeking revenge unduly.
[Tarf] this culminated earlier wehen he used an announce token
[Tarf] "´ Ther' Anger has the following announcement: Tarf enjoys pleasuring any male dwarf NPCS..."
[Tarf] "He moans o0o0oh and belongs to the useless and newbie-filled DM clan."
[Tarf] "In the Spring of 534, on Sombdi he was voted most likely to be a town reject,..."
[Tarf] "largest piece of dung, AND most controversial beastiality practitioner...."
[Tarf] this was totally uncalled for
[Tarf] he then had this to say
[Haengemie] 10 seconds remaining, Please finish up, or say "done"...
[Tarf] You just received bad karma from Ther' Anger revenge is sweeeet =D
[Tarf] done
[Haengemie] Thank you, Tarf
[Haengemie] Ther' Anger, you have 90 seconds to speak.
[Ther' Anger] Karma bombing is not my style, its too easy and simple, it may have been one or two of my associates, but surely not me.
[Ther' Anger] And what is this "announcement to make"?
[Ther' Anger] How would I make such an announcement to the world?
[Ther' Anger] I wish I could.
[Ther' Anger] Obviously, I could have done none of these things
[Ther' Anger] there is insufficient physical evidence to convict me
[Haengemie] 10 seconds remaining, Please finish up, or say "done"...
[Ther' Anger] done , Haengemie
[Ther' Anger] done
[Haengemie] Thank you, Ther' Anger
[Ther' Anger] &*@#^
[Haengemie] Tarf, you have 120 seconds to speak.
[Tarf] he denies the facts. I would not make such things up. Look at my karma to see that i have more bk than i would if not for him.
[Tarf] moreover, the whole world heard his announcement
[Tarf] which i feel must be repeated
[Tarf] "´ Ther' Anger has the following announcement: Tarf enjoys pleasuring any male dwarf NPCS..."
[Tarf] "He moans o0o0oh and belongs to the useless and newbie-filled DM clan."
[Tarf] "In the Spring of 534, on Sombdi he was voted most likely to be a town reject,..."
[Tarf] "largest piece of dung, AND most controversial beastiality practitioner...."
[Tarf] do we really want to condone such behavior?
[Tarf] and if he lies about his announcement, how can we know that he tells the truth about bk?
[Tarf] theranger is not known for his honesty
[Tarf] nor for his kindness
[Haengemie] 10 seconds remaining, Please finish up, or say "done"...
[Tarf] he deserves punishment for what he has done
[Tarf] done
[Haengemie] Thank you, Tarf
[Haengemie] Ther' Anger, you have 120 seconds to speak.
[Ther' Anger] Again Tarf brings up this announcement thing, but has not told us how we can make such a message!
[Ther' Anger] And about my karma, has there ever been a time when it was low?
[Ther' Anger] Obviously, now is no different than other times.
[Ther' Anger] and Tarf's karma is not a rare condition
[Ther' Anger] have you seen jackie's?
[Ther' Anger] its usually abotu the same level...
[Ther' Anger] its usually about the same level...
[Ther' Anger] So what is so extraoridinary about either of our karma numbers?
[Ther' Anger] done
[Haengemie] Thank you, Ther' Anger
[Haengemie] <standard jury verdict briefing>
[Bellafae] Bellafae hands Haengemie the jury's verdict.
[Haengemie] Ther' Anger this court finds you guilty, as accused.
[Haengemie] <standard jury sentence briefing>
[Haengemie] On Winter 69 of 534, Ther' Anger was found frivolous, having charged Jackie
[Haengemie] On Spring 170 of 534, Ther' Anger was found frivolous, having charged Daishi
of Malicious intent towards the exiles of Puddleby..
[Haengemie] Due to the 3 priors in the past year,
[Haengemie] the maximum sentence is raised to 180 minutes in jail or a fine of 1500c,
[Haengemie] or, possibly, a combination of jail and fine, depending on the jury's recommendations.
[Haengemie] Jurors, you should take Ther' Anger's record into account when deciding what sentence to recommend.
[Bellafae] Bellafae hands Haengemie the jury's sentencing recommendation.
Total recommended jail time: 630 min
Total recommended fine: 1250c
Total jurors: 8
Avg recommended jail/fine: 78 min/156c
[Haengemie] Because of outstanding fines still owed from previous convictions...
[Haengemie] I'm going add 184 minutes to the sentence.
[Haengemie] Ther' Anger, you are hereby sentenced to spend 262 minutes in the Puddleby jail,
[Haengemie] and fined 156 coins.
[Haengemie] In addition, Ther' Anger, I'm going to banish you from the city limits for 20 days.
[Haengemie] After you've served your jail-sentence, I suggest you sneak out of town quietly, and don't let the guards catch you.
[Haengemie] Judge Haengemie bangs his gavel
[Haengemie] This court is adjourned.
Court adjourned at 18:06 on 3 Autumn, 535