Puddleby Court Log: 58 Autumn, year 537 of The Ascendancy. 10:10
In the matter of MojoJojo v Algernon, accused of “loitering”
Before the jurors: Axell, Asmodean, Slyph, Tarf, Achates, Zippy, Solas
The Honourable Judge Haengemie, presiding.
With Bellafae serving as Bailiff.
To all who read these precepts, the following transcript of this trial is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge.
Clera, reporting.
[Haengemie] <standard pre-trial court briefing>
[MojoJojo] I was just trying to get people out of undine. And it worked yay.
[MojoJojo] done
[Haengemie] Thank you, MojoJojo
[Haengemie] Algernon, you have 90 seconds to speak, unless the jury deems your testimony irrelevant.
[Haengemie] 10 seconds remaining, Please finish up, or say "done"...
[Haengemie] Thank you, Algernon
[Haengemie] MojoJojo, you have 120 seconds to speak, unless the jury deems your testimony irrelevant.
[MojoJojo] MojoJojo is a monkey.
[MojoJojo] done
[Haengemie] Thank you, MojoJojo
[Haengemie] Algernon, you have 120 seconds to speak, unless the jury deems your testimony irrelevant.
[Haengemie] 10 seconds remaining, Please finish up, or say "done"...
[Haengemie] Thank you, Algernon
[Haengemie] <standard jury verdict briefing>
[Bellafae] Bellafae hands Haengemie the jury's verdict.
[Haengemie] MojoJojo this court has found your case frivolous.
[Haengemie] <standard jury sentence briefing>
[Haengemie] And, because I find the friviolity of this case to be contemptuous,...
[Haengemie] I'm going to double the maximum penalty (240 min/2000 c)
[Haengemie] I suggest that the jury recommend a stiff sentence.
[Haengemie] Jurors, you should take MojoJojo's record into account when deciding what sentence to recommend.
[Bellafae] Bellafae hands Haengemie the jury's sentencing recommendation.
[Haengemie] MojoJojo, you are hereby sentenced to spend 35 minutes in the Puddleby jail,
[Haengemie] and fined 314 coins.
[Haengemie] As you cannot afford to pay your fine, the clerk calculates the balance (314c) as additional jail-time of 41 minutes.
[Haengemie] Also, Clera will help you arrange a payment plan.
[Haengemie] Judge Haengemie bangs his gavel
[Haengemie] This court is adjourned.
Court adjourned at 10:47 on 58 Autumn, 537