Puddleby Court Log: 75 Winter, year 538 of The Ascendancy. 12:39
In the matter of Sau'lo Dra'kh v Hobie Buchannon, accused of “Repeated un-warrented BK.”
Before the jurors: Astor, Valtrim, Lundar, BonTemps
The Honourable Judge Haengemie, presiding.
With Bellafae serving as Bailiff.
To all who read these precepts, the following transcript of this trial is true and correct, to the best of my knowledge.
Clera, reporting.
[Bellafae] This court is now in session, The Honourable Judge Haengemie presiding.
[Haengemie] <standard pre-trial court briefing>
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] I was sitting in town
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] studying my Ma'kros scrolls
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] When I felt the chilling wind of a BK
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] upon returning to my body
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] I found I had recieved 2 BK in my abcense
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] I asked politely at first whom it was
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] hobie was sleeping next to me
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] how conveneint
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] the BK continued and I angered more
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] he eventually meessed up and idented one
[Haengemie] 10 seconds remaining, Please finish up, or say "done"...
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] so I busted him
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] do we need ppl like this herE?
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] no
[Haengemie] Thank you, Sau'lo Dra'kh
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] we don't
[Haengemie] Hobie Buchannon, you have 90 seconds to speak, unless the jury deems your testimony irrelevant.
[Hobie Buchannon] Sau told me he wanted my blood
[Hobie Buchannon] others saw this too
[Hobie Buchannon] i got sad, i dont want anyone to have my blood
[Hobie Buchannon] and gave him BK
[Hobie Buchannon] I had no idea it was a crime to give someone BK...
[Hobie Buchannon] if it is a crime to give bk
[Hobie Buchannon] then Sau is also quilty
[Hobie Buchannon] i got 3 BKs saying
[Haengemie] 10 seconds remaining, Please finish up, or say "done"...
[Hobie Buchannon] DI DIE DIE DIE DIE!
[Hobie Buchannon] DIE DIE DIE DIE DIE!
[Hobie Buchannon] its scary..
[Haengemie] Thank you, Hobie Buchannon
[Haengemie] Sau'lo Dra'kh, you have 120 seconds to speak, unless the jury deems your testimony irrelevant.
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] It is not a crime to give BK
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] It is on the other hand, a crime to continue to deliver it when asked to stop
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] I would call witness
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] but he is not here
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] <ooc> At no time in my sleep macro, does it say, "I want your blood"
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] it does say "blood... need blood..."
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] but many people use this as "undine huumour"
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] I recieve BK for sleeping
[Haengemie] 10 seconds remaining, Please finish up, or say "done"...
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] and trying to be funny
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] is this deserved of BK?
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] no
[Haengemie] Thank you, Sau'lo Dra'kh
[Sau'lo Dra'kh] it isn't
[Haengemie] Hobie Buchannon, you have 120 seconds to speak, unless the jury deems your testimony irrelevant.
[Hobie Buchannon] If bk is not a crime why am i here then?...
[Hobie Buchannon] done
[Haengemie] Thank you, Hobie Buchannon
[Haengemie] <standard jury verdict briefing>
[Bellafae] Bellafae hands Haengemie the jury's verdict.
[Haengemie] Sau'lo Dra'kh this court has found your case frivolous.
[Haengemie] <standard jury sentence briefing>
[Haengemie] Jury, please note: one prior conviction in the past year.
[Haengemie] And, because I find the friviolity of this case to be contemptuous,...
[Haengemie] I'm going to double the maximum penalty (240 min/2000 c)
[Haengemie] I suggest that the jury recommend a stiff sentence.
[Haengemie] Jurors, you should take Sau'lo Dra'kh's record into account when deciding what sentence to recommend.
[Bellafae] Bellafae hands Haengemie the jury's sentencing recommendation.
[Haengemie] Because of outstanding fines still owed from previous convictions...
[Haengemie] I'm going add 22 minutes to the sentence.
[Haengemie] Sau'lo Dra'kh, you are hereby sentenced to spend 212 minutes in the Puddleby jail.
[Haengemie] In addition, Sau'lo Dra'kh, I'm going to banish you from the city limits for 2 days.
[Haengemie] After you've served your jail-sentence, I suggest you sneak out of town quietly, and don't let the guards catch you.
[Haengemie] Judge Haengemie bangs his gavel
[Haengemie] This court is adjourned.
Court adjourned at 13:25 on 75 Winter, 538