Contents this page
Technical Support |
Cure Tech Support Boredom |
Common Problems |
Clan Lord Addiction |
Cost FAQ |
Clan Lord Principles |
Future Directions
Technical Support
First: We will never answer questions like “How do I kill the dragon?” or
“How do I get out of the maze?” Our Tech Support is not a hint line.
We think the single most important thing a software company provides (other
than software) is Technical Support. We pride ourselves on being able to
solve virtually any problem one might have with Clan Lord, and lots of other
problems as well.
If you email,
you’ll get a relatively prompt response. Or,
if you must, call us directly at (408) 730-9336 at reasonable California
business hours and ask for tech support. It’s also possible that you can get
us at unreasonable hours, since we work hard and late, but we can’t
guarantee it. If you want alert, friendly service, don’t call early in the morning.
Keep in mind that we’re understaffed, overworked, and appreciate brevity. If
you can answer questions like “What version of the System and Finder are you
running?” without checking, we’ll be ecstatic. If you call with questions
like “What’s a Macintosh?” we’ll be peeved. Okay?
We love getting questions and comments via e-mail.
Cure Tech Support Boredom
Good companies have technical support lines, where intelligent people (or,
in our case, the company president and engineers) eagerly await the
opportunity to solve problems from honest people trying to make the most of
their software. While many support guys try to give the impression that they
are overworked and underpaid, in fact they are often bored by their job.
In our years of answering these calls, we’ve learned a few important tricks
which you can use to make life fun and interesting for those on the other
end of the phone. We’re now going to pass these on to you.
These techniques are guaranteed to fulfill and entertain whoever has the
decency to answer the phone and do free technical support. (If it’s 900
number technical support, you may see the support people using many of these
methods, instead of the other way around. Beware.)
1. Refuse to describe your difficulty.
When asked, merely mention a general uneasiness with your computer, or
repeat over and over, “It just doesn’t work.” (Important tip: don’t say what
“it” is.)
2. Don’t have your computer handy.
If you do, the Technical Support guy (who, for the purposes of this article,
will henceforth be referred to as “John”) will probably just start making
you use it. Explain that “It’s at home,” or in the other room, or in
Australia. Ask John to hold while you drive to Kansas (where your computer
is) to try his suggestions.
3. Don’t try to solve your problem yourself.
Actually, this should probably be number one, since if you inadvertently
solve your difficulty, you really don’t have much of an excuse to call John.
More importantly, it’s neat to make as many trips as possible away from your
phone to your computer in the closet (see 2 above) to try obvious
suggestions, like “Try turning off all your INITs.”
3a. Don’t read the manual.
Altogether too often, there’s a section on troubleshooting, and your problem
is covered. Again, this would leave you with no excuse to call John.
Remember, it’s important to have him say “R.T.F.M.” (“Read The Manual”) into
the phone a couple of times a day.
4. Talk slowly, and repeat yourself a lot.
This serves the dual purpose of taking up a lot of his time, and letting
John know you think he has an IQ of 23. If you’re really good, you can put
off answering his questions until he’s asked new ones.
4a. Speak a language other than English.
John speaks English, so if you speak a different language, you’ll get to
repeat yourself a lot. When you do, go louder and slower.
Of course, if you’re actually trying to glean useful information, you can
just do the opposite of these suggestions, and you’ll probably be dealt with
promptly and efficiently. If that’s your kind of thing.

Sample Dialogue:
John: “Delta Tao Software, this is John.”
You: “I’m having... trouble.”
John: “What program are you using?”
You: “It... just isn’t working right.”
John: “What exactly is the problem?”
You: “I try, you know, to run it, and it just won’t...” (Long pause)
John: “It won’t...?”
You: (relieved) “Exactly.”
John: (takes deep breath, closes eyes, rubs temples, counts silently
backwards from ten. Sighs.) “What software are you using?”
You: “Macintosh software.”
John: “No, I mean—”
You: “Oh, let me check.” (loud tramping noises, door opening, going up
stairs, grunting, distinctive distant “bong” of Macintosh being turned on.
Long pause. More stair sounds, door opening, loud tramping) “Uh... how do I
find out?”
John: (quits and goes home)
Common Problems
We don’t get very many calls about Clan Lord — it’s easy and nearly
flawless. But in case you do have questions, look here before you give us a
call. You might save your nickel.
I crash all the time.
Don’t look at us — our software never crashes. It must be somebody else’s
fault. Seriously, if you turn off all your weird system extensions, you’ll
probably find that Clan Lord is bullet-proof. (You might also try throwing
away your “Clan Lord Prefs” file.) On the other hand, if you do find a
reproducible crasher, email us and tell us about it so we can fix it in
later versions.
I can’t get into the world.
If you normally get in fine, but today the server doesn’t seem to be
answering, it’s possible that the Clan Lord server is down. Try again in an
hour or two, or check our web page for information.
My music sounds bad.
If your machine is bogged down, sometimes the music will sound rough and
scratchy. Try turning Virtual Memory off in the Memory control panel. Or
upgrade to a newer version of QuickTime — older versions sound cheesier.
My graphics got all wacky today.
Hmmmm. What’s special about today? Could it be a holiday?
What are the secrets?
If we told you, they wouldn’t be secrets, would they? So don’t ask us.
Figure them out for yourself, if you must.
No! They’re secret!
Pretty please?
OK, maybe a couple. Play with Clan Lord on holidays. Send us a hundred
My boss is coming — Help!
If you hold down the option key and click on the computer desktop, Clan Lord
will be instantly “hidden.” You can get it back by choosing it from the
application menu in the upper left hand corner of your screen. Or just hit
Command-Q — Clan Lord quits fast.
Clan Lord Addiction
Clan Lord is a great game, but try not to let it take over your life. Spend
a few hours outdoors from time to time. Meet some people in the flesh. Read
a book.

You may be playing Clan Lord too much if:
- A car cuts you off in traffic and you want to “curse BMW.”
- You expect your refrigerator to open when you bump into it.
- You cut yourself and yell “Healer!”
- You go up to strangers on the street and say, “Nice pants.”
- If you don’t get enough sleep, you complain about lag.
- In a crowded restaurant, you regroup in the safe area.
- When you wait for a long time, you’re tempted to depart.
Cost FAQ
Clan Lord has a monthly fee in addition to the cost of purchasing the CD.
You’ve already purchased the CD, so you get two months of play free. After
that, it costs $10 per month.
How do I pay?
The serial number that came with this game will let you create an account
and give you the two free months. During that time, you’ll probably want to
give us your credit card number, so you don’t get booted from the game when
your free time runs out.
It’s also possible to mail us a check, to pay in advance. Details about
other payment options can be found on our web pages.
How many characters do I get?
One. To get more than one character, you’ll have to pay a small additional
fee. Details are on the Clan Lord web server.
If you have multiple characters on the same account, only one can be in the
world at a time.
If I want to have two characters in the world at the same time, do I have to
buy two CDs?
It’s possible that you might be able to buy a serial number without the CD
and manual (for your second copy) at a discount. Check the Clan Lord web
pages for details.
Why are you charging a monthly fee, instead of a one-time cost?
There are hourly costs associated with running a network — about twenty
cents per hour per person. In addition, we’re going to continue to spend
lots of money upgrading the game and world for years.
If we only charged a one-time fee, it would be in our best interests to make
a flashy game with little depth, hype it for months before releasing it,
then sell as many as we could as fast as we could. Then when people reached
the limits of the game, they’d quit and stop costing us network money. We
could save even more money by having overloaded servers, so the game lagged
and ran slowly.
We want to grow the game slowly and build a rich and varied world that’s fun
to play in for years.
You’re crazy! and are free!
StarCraft and Myth are excellent games, but they aren’t quite the same as
Clan Lord.
For one thing, the individual games on and aren’t run
on Blizzard’s or Bungie’s servers — they pass the games off to the game
host. This is smart — it reduces their server load to almost nothing.
Unfortunately, it’s important that Clan Lord be one big world, not a lot of
little ones, so we can’t pass off server responsibilities like that.
In addition, over 95% of Myth’s play is single-player, and doesn’t cause any
network costs at all. Clan Lord can’t be played single-player.
Third, players are unlikely to play those games heavily for more than two or
three months. We want people to play Clan Lord for years.
But I can’t afford ten bucks a month!
We understand that some people won’t be able to afford to play Clan Lord. We
are considering price structures to help them, like giving a discount if
they recruit new members, or hourly rates instead of monthly, or a discount
for players who are restricted to non-peak hours.
Check our Clan Lord web pages for discounts currently available.
Why is Clan Lord on CD?
We don’t want everybody to have to download hundreds of megs of graphics and
sounds to play.
Now that Clan Lord is on CD, is it done?
No. We plan to continue growing the world of Clan Lord for years. We have
enough major changes scheduled to keep us busy for at least eighteen months
after we ship the first CD.
Can I run my own server?
No, even if you have your own fast unix box with a T3 (the minimum
requirements for running Clan Lord). We want to continue growing and
developing the world for years, and we want everybody to participate in the
one great world, not in a bunch of tiny ones.
Is there a free trial?
The main world will be open only to paying customers, to keep them from
being hounded by obnoxious newbies, but we may run a free downloadable world
that only lets people keep a character for a day or so. That way people can
get a feel for the game, anyway.
Will you give refunds if there are bugs in the game?
If? Heck, we can guarantee that there will be bugs in Clan Lord. There are
bugs in every product. And no, we won’t give refunds. We will do our best to
fix bugs quickly, and to keep the game up, and running, and fun. If
something really bad happened, like we had to shut down for a week, we would
probably extend everybody’s membership for the lost time — that’s only
Will the game run all the time?
In theory, Clan Lord is 24/7. In practice, however, there are bound to be
times when the game goes down because of a crash or other mishap, or network
problems may drag the game to a halt from time to time. In addition, we’ll
bring the game down for several hours at a time to implement new features
and improve the world, probably around twice a month. We’ll try to do these
updates during early morning hours, though.
Will the price always stay the same?
Unlikely. We hope to lower the price in time as we build a larger
membership. We’d be very sad if we ever had to raise the price. We do our
best to treat our customers right.
Clan Lord Principles
We have a set of principles we follow when deciding if and how to add new
features to Clan Lord. We work hard to fulfill as many of these as we can,
though it’s a big job, and we’re destined to not always succeed.
1. Clan Lord is fun, not frustrating.
- Fun activities should be profitable; boring ones should not.
- Actions that are fun for other characters should be rewarded.
- A player should not be forced to do things he or she thinks aren’t fun.
- Characters never go dramatically backward.
- Nothing bad happens to characters when they’re off-line.
- Rewards are large; penalties are small.
- Rewards are common; penalties are rare.
- “Too easy” is just as big a problem as “Too hard.”
2. The world of Clan Lord is full of surprises.
The world is large and diverse enough that one can always explore.
- Each day is potentially different.
- There is always the possibility of an unusual event.
3. Each character should feel special.
- Characters can grow more diverse over time.
- Characters should always feel they can be useful.
- Active characters gain in rank and stature compared to the general
population over time.
- Characters can do things alone if desired.
- Characters can have both short-term and long-term effects on the world.
- Characters get to decide, as opposed to having decisions made for them.
4. Clan Lord is about interactions between characters.
- Groups are more effective than individuals.
- There is no upper limit on the total population.
- Characters can communicate with each other in a variety of ways.
- Characters can form and join a wide variety of organizations.
- Politics is a major factor.
- Good characters vastly outnumber evil ones.
5. Clan Lord is approachable and easy to learn.
- Initial play is simple, with more twists added as the character grows.
- Characters are not forced to make permanent decisions before they know the
6. Clan Lord is fun.
This is the first and last principle.
Future Directions
Clan Lord will undergo massive changes over the next couple of years, but it
will strive to continue to be simple and fun. We welcome suggestions — many
things suggested by early users are now in the game. We’re more likely to do
suggestions that make things simpler and more fun.
The best way to give us suggestions is in writing. When you talk to us on
the phone, your comment has to get translated too many times before it gets
to the programmer for him to know what the suggester had in mind.
Tons of people contributed to Clan Lord. They hammered it through over five
years of development. They pointed out every little flaw, and selflessly
crashed their machines dozens of times helping us make a cooler, better
These aren’t all the people that helped. No doubt a few were inadvertently
forgotten, or we couldn’t figure out how to spell their names, plus there
are a couple that we just plain intentionally snubbed.
A sampling of those who worked on the world of Clan Lord, in no particular
- Josh de Cesare: Massive client improvements, monster AIs, and more.
- Ian Hendry: Monster AIs, area design, and more.
- Ted Oliverio: Monster AIs, area design, and more.
- Divo Palinkas: Area design, monster design, and more.
A smattering of people who contributed goodies that made the world a better
place to explore, in no particular order.
- Brent Brighton: Graphics and more.
- Bryce Wolfson: Networking improvements and more.
- Ben Watson: Sound effects and music.
- William Wallace: Fonts, graphics, sounds, the Guide, and more.
- Mike Apolis: Graphics, sounds, and more.
- T. Kephart: Graphics and more.
- Tony Ritchie: Graphics.
- Tanja Rau: Graphics.
- Kenzie Ferguson: Graphics.
A partial list of the thousands who helped out during our lengthy
development period, in alphabetical order.
Peter Aalders, Nick Abato, Joshy Abes, Vishwanath Acharya, David Adams,
Kelby Adams, Jeremiah Adams, Alex Adler, Mitchell Adler, Russell Ahrens,
Andy Akabar, Rhen Alderman, David Alderson, Victor E. Aldridge III, William
Alexander, Ben Allen, Erik Allen, Taylor Allen, Mike Alletto, Michael
Alletto, Cornelia Alt, Michael Moran Alterio, Gabriel Alvaro, Ian Andersen,
Eric Anderson, Kelly Anderson, Alex Andrews, Melissa Anholm, Eric Anholt,
Parswa Ansari, Mike Apolis, Francois Arbour, Esteban Arguello, John
Armstrong, Bryan Arnesen, John Arnson, Paul Avers, Peter Axt, Reuben Ayala,
Brendan Baber, Adam Bailey, Allen Ballard, Mark Barnett, Tyler Barnett, Sean
Barrett, Jeff Barrick, Jeremy Barrick, Joseph Bartlett, Michael Bartlett,
Ryan Bartosch, Mike Basus, Michael Basus, Karl Bates, Nicholas Battist, Will
Baum, Matt Baya, Matthew Baya, Ian Bayne, Lyndsay Beaver, George Becker,
Gabriel Begue, Mike Belisle, John Bell, Rich Bennett, Tim Benning, Todd Ber,
Diego Berber, Eric Berdahl, Mike Berg, Tom Berggren, Sven Bergvall, Scott
Berkey, Dustin Bernard, Mark De Bernardi, Pete Best, Michael
Bevilacqua-Linn, Ahmed Bhadelia, Max Bickley, Adam Bienvenu, Dave Biggs,
Bradford De Biller, Nathan Birkholz, Jason Birnbaum, Laurent Birtz, Carl
Bischof, Kyle Bishop, Paul Bisson, Li, Wing Biu, Kevin Black, Jordan
Blackman, Michael Blakeley, Alex Blakesley, Jeffrey Charles Blaufuss, Matt
Blevins, Alan Blue, Frank Boehm, Dave Bonar, Thomas Borreson, Brad Brack,
Jamie Bradley, Gregory Brault, Dan Braun, Jeremy Braz, Kenneth Brdreskift,
Rich Brenner, Aaron Brethorst, Dillon Brice, Jon Bricker, Ben Bridges, Claus
Broch, Kenneth Brodreskift, Eric Brody, Dan Brooker, Robert C. Brown, Simon
Brownlee, Jonathan Bryson, Phil Bubis, Philip Bubis, Sydney Bubis, Gel
Buchannon, Terrance Buchannon, Jon Buck, Barry Buehne, Mary Frances
Buffington, Hinne Burmeister, Gary Burnett, Dave Burns, David Burns, Michael
Butler, Douglas Q. Buzzell, Joseph Cadotte, Adam Caldwell, Micah Caldwell,
Mario Calleta, Donnie Cambre, Theodore S. Campbell, Robert Campbell, Casey
Truman Carbonneau, Martin Carlberg, Nick Carlson, Brent Carmer, Tristan
Carolan, Sheldon Carpenter, Sean Carriedo, Paul Carroll, Joe C. Carson, Todd
Carson, Josh De Cesare, Devi Chalmers, Devin Chalmers, Robert Chang, Rusty
Chapman, Maxime Charbonneau, Alexandre Charbonneau, Pierre-Etiennne
Chartier, Andy Chesley, Crazy Chicken, Pablo Childe, Brent Childress, James
Choi, Tan Heng Chon, Shu Chow, Elysabeth Christian, Christian Cimon, Andy
Clark, Dean Clark, Nick Clark, Jord Cochovelou, Casey Coffman, T Collins,
Carl Collins, Mark Collins, Toby Collins, John Colosaco, Brian Combs, Peter
Commons, Stephen Conard, Richard Connamacher, John Conway, Liam Coonan,
Thomas Cooper, Jonathan C. Coose, Gary Coover, Sam Copenhagen, Samuel
Copenhagen, Neil Coplin, Scott Coplin, Dominique Cote, Alessandro De
Credico, Ted Crocker, Dan Crookston, Dean Croshere, Alan Cutler, Neil
Cutler, Andrew Cyvas, Massimo DOnofrio, Pedro Gomes Da Silva, Kristleifur
Dadason, Douglas L. Davey, Thomas Waterbury Davis, Hank Davis, Norman Davis,
Christopher Davis, Silas Dean, Rob Debank, West Decker, William Dejong,
Jeremy Delaittre, Olivier B. Deland, David E. Deleule, Scott Deleury, Todd
Demelle, Maynard Demmon, David St. Denis, Randall Dennis, Chris Desalvo,
John P. Dice, George H. Dick, Chris Dizmang, Ruann Dizmang, Richard Dizmang,
Christopher Dizmang, Andrew Ian Dodge, Christian Doenges, Shadow-Vortx
Dolphin, Matthew Dong, Joshua Dorese, Eric Dorland, J.T. Dorr-Bremme, Geord
Douglas, Susan Doyle, Bryan Drennen, Marc A. Drexler, Mark Dreyer, Jonathan
Dreyer, Rommie L. Duckworth, Nicolas Dumelie, Joshua Dunham, Christ Duryee,
Kirk Easton, Michael Edmondson, Martin Egelund, Bart Eggen, Lars Eggert,
Pete Eide, Stephen Elliott, Ethan Elliott-Williams, Camden Elliott-Williams,
Tom Ellis, Austin Emery, Sheldon England, Chris Eplett, Rajiv Eranki, Rene
Erichsen, Peter Erickson, Jack Estate, Holger Eudenbach, Matthew B. Evans,
Mark Evans, Victor Evans, Terri Everett, Richard Everett, Barry Eynon, Eric
Falk, Ryan Fancher, Samuel Farinato, Avery Fay, Leonard Feehan, Jim Feete,
Albert Feinbach, Maxime Ferdandes, Laura Ferrell, Steve Ferrell, Chris
Fisher, Taylor Fisher, Tom Fitch, Jp Flaherty, Nick Flanagan, Nicholas
Flanagan, Martin Florin, Grant Folkard, Arnaud Fontaine, Scott Forbes, Robb
Force, Eric Ford, John Ford, Soms Forsayt, Guillaume Fortin, Matt Fosberg,
Eugene Foss, John B. Foster, Rob Foster, John Foster, Mike Fouch, Lane E.
Foulk, Lane Foulk, Dan Fowler, Jason Fowler, Daniel Fowler, Brandon Fowler,
Allan Framcisco, Steven Fransen, Mike Frazier, Randall Fredrickson, Fred
Fredson, Bill Freemont, Scott French, Jennifer French, Atli Freyr, Martin
Fried-Lee, Jonathan Friedman, Carl Fristrom, Spencer Fry, Tong Pak Fu, Chris
Fuchs, Bernard Fueglleson, Reed Fujii, Brian Gabriel, Scott Gaertner, Katie
Gaffney, Peter Gaffney, Michael Gallagher, Sam Gamgee, Ari Garboos, Tim
Gardner, John R. Gasaway, Bill Gates, Etienne Gauthier, Shana Geffeney, Ed
George, Chris Gerhard, Nik Gervae, Sector Glitch, Corey Godfrey, Kevin
Goetz, Teddie Goldenberg, David l Goldstein, Chris Goltz, Mike Goodbyte,
Thomas Gooding, Christopher Goodspeed, Daniel S. Goodwin, Tom Goodwin,
Robert Goodwin, Richard Goold, Jake Goulding, Eric Grab, Hans Grage, Chris
Granado, David Granados, Nick Green, James Greenbaum, Ryan Greenberg, Nick
Gregg, Ben Greve, Wojtek Grojec, Hansjoerg Gruendler, Kai Hackenbroich, Tom
Hackett, Michael Hainsworth, Jim Hall, Cory Halverson, Jesse Hamilton,
William Hammock, Rob Hammond, Bob Hancock, Charles Hanifin, Peter Hanley,
Scott Hanny, Tim Hansen, Dave Hansen, Mark Hansen, Don Hanson, Erik Hanson,
Tyler Harding, Curtis A. Harlow, Cliff Harlow, Peter Harper, Matt
Harrington, Andre Harris, John Harris Jr., Kevin Harrison, Donner Hart, Mike
Hasenstab, Josh Hattrup, John Hausmann, John H. Hausmann IV, Brad Hawthorne,
Aaron Headly, Mette Hedin, Ty Hedrick, Jered Heeschen, Mike Vander Heiden,
Denis Helpin, Drew Henderson, Ian Hendry, Jim Hill, Ken Hill, Nathan Hill,
Scott A. Hills, Ben Hines, Tyler Hinkle, Lukas Hjalmar, Luke Holbrook, John
Holley, Raymond D. Holmes, Ray Holmes, James Holmes, Tom Holtz, Carlton G.
Hommel, Carl Hommel, Eileen Hommel, Angela Hong, Brian Horner, Yeap Shiaw
How, Bob Howsjitz, James Hsieh, Irenio Huang, Rico Hughes, Russ Humphress,
Christopher Hunding, Greg Hupka, Stephen Husted, Darin Ingalls, Bailee
Ingalls, Gretchen Ingalls, Chris Invidiata, Manabu Ishibashi, Akinari
Iwanaga, Shiro Iwase, Chris Jacobson, Will Jacocks, Cohen Jacques, Hans N.
Janowitz, Christine Parrott Janowitz, Brian K. Janssen, Bart Janssen, Hank
Janszen, Thomas Jennings, Peter Jernstedt, Mark Jiongco, Bill Johnson, Chase
Johnson, Keith Johnson, Tom Johnston, Michael W. Jones, Tom Jones, Darwin
Jones, Stefan Joos, Dave Jordan, Duane Jorgenson, William Joseph, Nathan k,
Richard Kaapke, Kensuke Kageyama, Tony Kalk, Daniel Kalmus, Takumi Karino,
Daniel Karlson, Kent Karlsson, Johan Karlsson, Daniel Karlsson, Kenny Kay,
Debra Kaysen, Ed Keighron, Bryan Kelley, T Kephart, Janos Kerekes, Jason
Kerekes, Jeffrey Kessler, Shawn Khan, Shahina Khan, Thomas Khuu, Michael
Kivetz, Eric Knable, Jeff Knable, Steve Knoop, William Knott, Don Knowlton,
Roger M. Kolaks, Ken Koldys, Zico Kolter, Tim Koneval, Jay Koutavas,
Christopher Kraause, Prometheus Kranak, Toshiaki Kuagai, Todd Kuebler,
Toshiaki Kumagai, Kris Kunze, Stanley Kuo, Josh Kupsch, John Kurilla, Cheah
Boon Kwan, Peter Kyme, Jason Lachowsky, Tom Lacoste, Giorgio Lagna, Ben
Landsteiner, Michael Lapierre, Scott Larison, Paul Lassman, Paul Lassman,
Brandon Laurino, Troy Lawlor, Christopher M. Lee, John Lee, James Lee,
Matthew Lee, Keagan Lejeune, Brian Levenhagen, Daniel Leventhal, Allen T.
Lewis, Tiago Lier, Carl Limyao, Denis Lin, Adrian Lind, Eli Lindert, Melanie
Lindert, Michael Lindholm, Todd Lipcon, Dina Lobel, Matt Lobel, William
Locke, Pamina Loewald, Dana Lombardo, Liana S. Loos, Daniel Lopez, Jim Lord,
Guillaume Lorrain-Belanger, Ralph W. Lott, Tip Lovingood, David Lublin,
Stephen Luce, Craig L. Luis, Mike Lum, Jason Lund, Mike Lutz, Dave Mabius,
David Mabius, Chris Mack, Hugues Magnan, Bill Maguire, Michael Mahon, Tim
Malloroy, Wong Ching Man, Wart Man, Erica J. Marceau, Hannah Marchant,
Geoffrey Marchant, Kevin Marinelli, John W. Mark, James Marlow, David
Marsch, Will Marsh, Steve Marsh, Allen Martin, Juan Carlos Martinez, Todd
Masco, Cody Matthews, Martin Matthius, Phil Maurer, Jake Mavity, Paul Max,
Kyle Maxwell, Adam Mcc., Terence R. Mccain, Jamie Mccarthy, Brian P.
Mccarty, Adam Mccaughan, Mark Mcclure, Ernie Mccracken, Michael Mcdougall,
Dave Mcgee, Stew Mckinney, Kevin Mclaughlin, Stephen Mcmanus, James
Mcnamara, Mr Medicare, Rob Melcher, Jeremy Melcher, Olivier Melet, Tom
Merrill, Thomas Metcalf, Robin Meyers, Scott Meyers, Brad W. Michael, Peter
Mierow, Umberto Migliore, Todd L. Milam, Eric Miller, Greg Miller, Edward
Miller, Brad Miller Jr., Patrick Milvich, Shawn Moehring, James Monkey,
Gervais De Montbrun, Edward Moon, Brad Moore, Gordon Moore, Allister
Moorfoot, Victor Sanchez Morago, Tom Moran, Randy Moran, Roman Moy, Seth
Moyers, Pawel Mrozinski, William Muir, Shannon Mullen, James Murphy, Sam
Murray, Pz Myers, Alaric Myers, Andrew Nagengast, Morgan Nagengast, Real Q.
Name, Paul Natsch, Kevin L. Nault, David Needleman, Andy Neely, Mark K.
Nelson, Duc Nguyen, Ian Nguyen, Jeff Nichols, Mike Niemierko, Michal
Niemierko, Malvina Niemierko, Jens Nilsson, Peter Nilsson, Fori Ninsa,
Niklas Nisbeth, David Noble, Eddie Nolen, Morgan Noseworthy, John
Nowakowski, Matt Nunogawa, Ken Nuun, Dave OBrien, Daniel OBrien, Kim Ohara,
Max Ohlendorf, Alex Ohlendorf, Sean Ojakian, Sheehan Olber, Andrew Oliver,
Ted Oliverio, Vicki Oliverio, Noah Ollikainen, Sheehan Olver, Benjamin
Osborn, Jun Otsuka, Karl Owens, Matt Paffhouse, Gary Pallassino, Cedric
Pansky, Melanie Panush, Brandon Parker, Josh Parry, Ken Parsons, Steve
Pasika, Carl Pastor, Adam Patridge, Harold Payson, Alex Peake, Julia Pearse,
Trevor Pearse, Ted Pearson, Carl Pearson, Mike Pearson, Joe Pease, Jeffrey
Pease, Leonardo Pedemonte, Kyle Pederson, Dale Penndorf, Chris Pepper, Erik
Perkins, Kristoffer Peterhansel, Filip Peterson, Kalle Peterson, Lars
Petrus, Juels Pfifer, Kevin Pfohl, Mike Phillips, Hubert Phillips, Benjamin
Phipps, Paul Pichardo, Matt Pierry, Andrew Pile, Jason Place, Per Plex, Ben
Plunkett, Michel Pollet, Carlitos Ponce, Jeffrey Posnick, Jon Powel, Ben
Power, Richard Premont, Tamara Pressman, John Prichard, Mark B. Priddy, Evan
Priestley, Oscar Prill, Steve Przybylski, Benjamin Pung, Samer Rabadi,
Darken Rahl, Stephen Rains, Michael Ramaley, Matt Rampias, Matthew Rampias,
Tanja Rau, Ryan Rea, Martin Resch, Jorge Reyna, Scott Richardson, R. W.
Richey, Ross Richey, Kyle Richter, Jay Riemer, Kevin Riley, Peter Ripley,
Tony Ritchie, Stephen Ritchie, Nick Rizewiski, Kevin H. Roach, Nathan Roark,
Mathieu Robichaud-Dion, Benoit Roche, Urs Roethlisberger, Erik Rohling, Mike
Rohling, Alex Rojas, Emerson Rojas, Joe Roland, Robert Roosevelt, Keith
Rose, Stephen Roy, Alan Rubin, Noah Ruffell, Michael Ruiz, Colin Rundel,
Jachin Rupe, Sam Ryan, Juan Carlos Santiago, Samuel Santos, Rob Sanville,
John Sarapata, Donna Sarapata, Elizabeth Sarapata, Ben Sargeant, Rob
Saunders, Vincent Ko Schaefer, Felix Schindele, Magnus Schlegel, Shannon
Schroeder, Anthony Sciola, Frank Scott, Patrick Seale, Alan Seegmiller,
Bayard Selby, Andreas Sendrowski, James Senyk, Jason Senyk, Mike Serpa,
Geoff Shaffer, Kevin Shaffer, Charles Sharp, Michael Shattuck, Gary Shaw,
Darren Shaw, Erik Shea, Travis Sherer, John Sheridan, Patrick Sheridan,
Blair Sherman, Phoebe Sherrard, Franklin Sherrard, Chris Shieh, Bernard
Shiet, Masa Shiubsawa, Adam Siemen, Thomas Signey, Harvey Simmons, Fabio
Simoni, Robert M. Simpson, Casey Simpson, Clayton Skancke, Erin Skold, Peter
Skold, Nate Skone, Joe Smith, Brian Smith, Devon Smith, Scott Smith, Taavo
Smith, Jordan Smith, Charlotte Smith, Christian Smith, Mark Smithfield, Jeff
Solomon, Bryan Sorensen, Bernard J. Southam, Charles Speers, Jason Spencer,
Curtis Spendlove, Jason Spohn, Tristan Spronken, Timothy Staal, Ben Stahl,
Brett Stampley, Mike Standley, George Stanford, Tom Stark, Remi Stebenne,
Mike Steder, Evan Stevenson, Matthew Stevenson, Brian Stewart, Ryan
Stinnett, Rick Stolba, Jaren Lee Stovall, David Strang, Steven Strange, Park
Street, Chris Streeter, Doug Stringham, Christian Stringham, Michael
Sumbera, Asa Swain, Austin Swallow, Andy Swanson, Jon Swedberg, Jesse
Swidler, Nathaniel Tagg, Sadayuki Tanaka, Bede Tannock, Tim Taplin, Darkseal
Tarot, Kevin Tatroe, David Tellier, James Thomas, Martin Thomas Jr., Ben
Thompson, Ken Thompson, Joel Thompson, Andrew Thomson, Nika Van Tilburg, Jim
Tinklenberg, David Tipton, Patrick Tolen, Preston Tollinger, Chris Toppan,
Sebastien Tourenne, Julien Tremblay, Doug Trevethan, Jeremy Tribby, Ben
Trumbull, Mark Adam Tucker, Rick Tull, Scott Tumey, Tom Twohy, Ryoko
Umemoto, Jason Unrau, Edward Upton, Paul C. Ustach, Hisanao Usui, Ian
Vaillant, Alec Vance, Tom Vanstraelen, Duane Del Vecchio, Chad Vendette,
Billy Vierra, Robert Viesca, Carlos Vives, Peter Vogel, Alex Volkov,
Alexander Volkov, Klaus Volmer, Derek Vowles, Mart Wadrodowski, Chris Wahl,
Will Wakefield, Ryan Waldron, Pat Walker, William Wallace, David Walser,
John Walzer, Brad Ward, Jason Ward, Peter Ward, Shannon J. Wasielewski, Matt
Wastrodowski, Eric Watjen, Marie Watkins, Richard A. Watson, Ben Watson,
Rebecca Watson, Spencer Gen Weart, Kevin Weaver, Phil Webow,
Mikael Wedemeyer, Will Weigle, Kitto Weikert, Aaron Wells, M. W. Welsh, Mike
Welsh, Matt Wendling, Ben Wertz, Patrick West, Judy Whitby, Aaron Whitby,
David Whitby, Robert White, Matt Whitlock, Jason Whittle, Aaron Wilber,
Steve Wilhelm, Jeremy Wilker, Johnny Wilkins, Joe Williams, Mary Williams,
Gwendo Williams, Jen Wilson, Bill Winder, Edwin C. Wirth, Doncha Wish,
Duncan Wold, Daniel Wolfe, Bryce Wolfson, Mark Wonkovich, Brett Wood, Neil
Woodall, Spencer Woodburn, Adam Woods, Ted Woodward, Sean Van Wormer, Jeff
Wright, Paul Wuersig, Steven Yaka, Jeremy Yakavonis, Shotaro Yamada, Takashi
Yamamoto, Gaby Yelloz, Takenoniku Yutaka, Ben Zarzycki, Richard Zawadzki,
Mark Zedaker, Tamer Ziady, Andrew Zimmer, Andrew Zimmrt, Russell Zinke,
Patrick Ziselberger, and Robert Zyronkel.