Historical Court Cases
This page lists only the the earliest of the Puddleby Court’s cases,
from its inauguration in Year 533 up through PY 539.
More recent cases are on the primary
Puddleby Court Archive page.
Cases are listed in reverse chronological order.
Click on a link to see the court stenographer’s transcript for that case.
Quick Jump to Year:
539 (37 cases) ·
538 (69) ·
537 (38) ·
536 (42) ·
535 (88) ·
534 (160) ·
533 (116)
Year 539
- 36 Summer, 07:40 — Sleipnir v. Shadrock, accused of the theft of divers monies frivolous
- 87 Spring, 08:04 — Unagi v. Malkor, accused of tryin kil me whn i not no wut goin on! guilty
- 87 Spring, 02:12 — Tarf v. Kelrik, accused of repeat offeses and harrasment guilty
- 86 Spring, 20:21 — Werdergast v. Ghost, accused of trying to stop me from saving puddleby frivolous
- 86 Spring, 18:56 — Tarf v. Sombre, accused of parole violations and repeat offenses guilty
- 85 Spring, 22:10 — Tarf v. Poor Impulse, accused of destruction of Zoo property guilty
- 85 Spring, 19:33 — Tarf v. Sombre, accused of destruction of Zoo property guilty
- 85 Spring, 09:31 — Tarf v. Kelrik, accused of destruction of Zoo property. guilty
- 76 Spring, 21:25 — Claynar v. Devil, accused of Killing the royal myrm and attacking the Zoo guilty
- 76 Spring, 19:50 — Claynar v. Fuzz, accused of Hurting the Zoo Animals guilty
- 33 Spring, 06:50 — Tarf v. Poor Impulse, accused of destruction of public property and theft guilty
- 32 Spring, 03:27 — Thagor v. Prue, accused of attempted rape and harrassment. frivolous
- 31 Spring, 23:06 — Vintus v. Romuli, accused of Speeding frivolous
- 31 Spring, 08:19 — Khelek v. John the dark, accused of darshak slave trading. guilty
- 19 Spring, 21:30 — Mr Pudding v. Sombre, accused of misusing and disrupting Gaias temple _again_ guilty
- 16 Spring, 02:15 — Kemani v. Poor Impulse, accused of abuse of gaias temple and rudeness to others guilty
- 15 Spring, 15:47 — Terato v. Sombre, accused of defiling the sanctity of Gaia's temple guilty
- 13 Spring, 18:27 — Watcher v. Pucker, accused of mental anguish frivolous
- 9 Spring, 10:47 — Minathel v. Mortis, accused of running on scripts unattended guilty
- 7 Spring, 21:50 — Aurian v. Lodo, accused of asssault and harassment guilty
- 3 Spring, 21:29 — Amelia v. Daemon, accused of Being annoying as hell. guilty
- 89 Winter, 20:18 — Henryk v. Karkras, accused of reckless endangerment frivolous
- 89 Winter, 19:14 — Destian v. Hidden, accused of in an attempt to save Henryk frivolous
- 77 Winter, 13:50 — Princess v. Yor, accused of almost geting me killed frivolous
- 61 Winter, 15:41 — Tarf v. LaCarneceria, accused of being a public nuisance guilty
- 57 Winter, 00:33 — Yor v. Babajaga, accused of Unjustly denying a Zo of a glorious kill! frivolous
- 45 Winter, 04:13 — Ugh v. Lilit, accused of Threatening the attack of undine upon Exiles innocent
- 41 Winter, 11:35 — Tarf v. None the Above, accused of corruption and thoom abuse guilty
- 40 Winter, 16:00 — Claynar v. Sir Adam, accused of Calling Sor a Sick Bastard innocent
- 32 Winter, 03:52 — Trowa v. Sir Adam, accused of swearing for no reson guilty
- 26 Winter, 09:49 — Eva v. Grocha, accused of pushing me in the jail when I'm dead /slapping me! innocent
- 23 Winter, 02:55 — Derlak v. Pulley, accused of Malicious Endangerment guilty
- 15 Winter, 15:09 — Camo v. Poor Impulse, accused of BK bombing innocent
- 13 Winter, 01:36 — Athran v. Chocogirl, accused of being an irritating nuisance in town. frivolous
- 11 Winter, 22:03 — Volcom v. Sombre, accused of karma bombing and harrassment. frivolous
- 8 Winter, 18:47 — Noah v. Elrond, accused of harassment guilty
- 3 Winter, 16:09 — Mefin v. Maz, accused of Of throw a rock at Shadowpuss frivolous
Year 538
- 88 Autumn, 20:28 — Thrax v. Gandor Durin, accused of Pretending to not be a dwarf frivolous
- 88 Autumn, 07:06 — En'kidu v. Marfisa, accused of not using her harder tools to spank me innocent
- 87 Autumn, 06:41 — Astor v. Marfisa, accused of spanking him hard for no apparent reason guilty
- 87 Autumn, 05:43 — Malkor v. Outcast, accused of being a mean ol' bastard guilty
- 87 Autumn, 04:48 — Cyrril Co'Fei v. Althus, accused of cutting him off in bed last night frivolous
- 87 Autumn, 03:58 — Marfisa v. Slyph, accused of wanting to give Joe a spankin'. Wait, that's me. innocent
- 86 Autumn, 08:05 — Mephisto v. Bloodthirsty, accused of Interference with the Volypics. guilty
- 78 Autumn, 19:48 — Pulley v. Gurgi, accused of Perjury and new exile genocide frivolous
- 78 Autumn, 13:56 — Pulley v. Gurgi, accused of breaking an agreement frivolous
- 78 Autumn, 05:16 — Pulley v. Gurgi, accused of running past me while I was being chewed by rats frivolous
- 77 Autumn, 06:47 — Zorak v. Ziff Rengar, accused of not telling be how to be strong. frivolous
- 73 Autumn, 05:02 — Mathena v. Ziff Rengar, accused of "Mathena accuses Ziff Ranegan of killing Slug" frivolous
- 73 Autumn, 03:45 — Mayo v. Zorak, accused of killing my slug innocent
- 65 Autumn, 10:02 — Princess v. Crushette, accused of being a twit frivolous
- 65 Autumn, 08:14 — Mefin v. Tyking II, accused of *Gives Tyking the finger* guilty
- 64 Autumn, 23:09 — Indigo v. Jenna, accused of Attempted murder of Lilit. guilty
- 62 Autumn, 07:57 — Mac-arena v. Algernon, accused of being in the Voting Booth innocent
- 62 Autumn, 06:45 — wutold v. Malkor, accused of trapping Algernon in the voting booth. innocent
- 57 Autumn, 14:00 — Prue v. None the Above, accused of impersonating an elected official frivolous
- 56 Autumn, 20:55 — Tyking II v. Zaroff, accused of cursing rudely in town guilty
- 52 Autumn, 12:12 — Laren v. Kojiro, accused of being ugly and mean to me when i was pooing! frivolous
- 51 Autumn, 21:29 — Nordoff v. Tyking II, accused of Karma bombing me guilty
- 50 Autumn, 10:54 — Babajaga v. Tessa, accused of intent to harm. frivolous
- 50 Autumn, 09:37 — Mac-arena v. Babajaga, accused of insanity frivolous
- 44 Autumn, 15:48 — Haze v. Hygeia, accused of holding Algernon at a ransom of 200c guilty
- 41 Autumn, 00:26 — Sabbit v. Unagi, accused of killing my kuduz bush frivolous
- 40 Autumn, 05:10 — Zeus v. Tyking II, accused of bad karma bombing innocent
- 39 Autumn, 23:52 — Bic v. Tyking II, accused of theiving money off the helpless and being a pain. innocent
- 39 Autumn, 16:09 — Eva v. Selucreh, accused of insulting her green perfection! frivolous
- 36 Autumn, 09:41 — Thrasher v. Zaroff, accused of karma bombed me on my first day guilty
- 20 Autumn, 10:14 — Lacan v. Bigfat's, accused of Spilling my cocktail all over my shirt. innocent
- 14 Autumn, 18:40 — CmdrGuard v. Justin, accused of caused me to lose my money guilty
- 12 Autumn, 20:30 — Rephinziscoch v. Tessa, accused of Torture and Distribution of Narcotics innocent
- 4 Autumn, 13:53 — Babbette v. Wyren, accused of newling harassment. guilty
- 90 Summer, 12:34 — Tarf v. Thundersocks, accused of disorderly conduct, unbecoming a superman. guilty
- 72 Summer, 23:14 — Tyking II v. Zaroff, accused of harassment and cursing for no reason guilty
- 70 Summer, 15:43 — Cyrril Co'Fei v. Althus, accused of attempted murder guilty
- 66 Summer, 02:13 — Noah v. Malkor, accused of lying and cheating regarding money and death guilty
- 64 Summer, 03:26 — Mayo v. Sombre, accused of cursing me for no reason guilty
- 59 Summer, 20:51 — Prior Juror v. Court Official, accused of Kept me locked up and wouldn't let me vote guilty
- 57 Summer, 02:16 — Tyking v. Khelek, accused of harassment innocent
- 38 Spring, 07:54 — Hawkthorn v. Luce, accused of persecuting algernon guilty
- 37 Spring, 08:27 — Braindead v. Gandor Durin, accused of indifference, pointing out Compla isnt for suing frivolous
- 31 Spring, 20:39 — Tallus v. Death himself, accused of Harrasing Althus innocent
- 25 Spring, 06:46 — Kaitlyn v. Lilit, accused of pushing fallen into the dark cave guilty
- 16 Spring, 08:53 — Eva v. Teren, accused of poking her with his "large" bow. guilty
- 14 Spring, 10:00 — Thagor v. Cyrril Co'Fei, accused of bribery and a disgrace to exiles frivolous
- 12 Spring, 13:02 — Revlis v. Suu'ub III, accused of Being a Bad Father. frivolous
- 3 Spring, 00:19 — Nilor v. Kade, accused of testing again, you were warned innocent
- 2 Spring, 22:03 — Kade v. Nilor, accused of I wanna see if this works innocent
- 2 Spring, 20:11 — Asmely v. Volt, accused of Stealing my skristal guilty
- 75 Winter, 12:39 — Sau'lo Dra'kh v. Hobie Buchannon, accused of Repeated un-warrented BK. frivolous
- 72 Winter, 19:44 — Tarfette v. Nunul, accused of hitting my broken leg guilty
- 67 Winter, 11:39 — Cyrril Co'Fei v. Zaroff, accused of BK'ing me twice/whining for having same shirt as him guilty
- 57 Winter, 21:11 — Tarf v. MotherOfUndine, accused of being an enemy of the state, treason. guilty
- 56 Winter, 02:58 — Sartikus v. Aurian, accused of attempted murder of logan frivolous
- 43 Winter, 14:47 — Thagor v. Horvendile, accused of Discrimination against the Lok'groton gay community" innocent
- 42 Winter, 16:04 — Phiros v. Minathel, accused of He mugged me for 60c, then rubbed it in my face! frivolous
- 40 Winter, 12:48 — Amelia v. Althus, accused of Being a royal pain in the butt frivolous
- 38 Winter, 12:43 — Sau'lo Dra'kh v. Phiros, accused of trying to pressure him into suing him frivolous
- 38 Winter, 11:06 — Spazmodier v. Raldin, accused of performing mime! in public! frivolous
- 37 Winter, 04:03 — Kamik v. Lilit, accused of Killing several exiles in undine cave... again! innocent
- 25 Winter, 02:56 — Eomund v. Lilit, accused of Conspiracy against Citizens of Puddleby innocent
- 21 Winter, 08:46 — Althea v. Lilit, accused of spawning rotted corpses and killing exiles guilty
- 21 Winter, 07:30 — Fuzz v. Ugh, accused of frivolus law suits filed frivolous
- 20 Winter, 02:57 — Tarf v. Bigfat's, accused of destruction of a public keg. guilty
- 13 Winter, 03:12 — Karzak v. Lilit, accused of Pushing Troy into the Undine Cave guilty
- 13 Winter, 01:48 — Mac-arena v. Lilit, accused of information regarding the undine innocent
- 9 Winter, 06:26 — Tarf v. Lilit, accused of negligence and involuntary exileslaughter innocent
Year 537
- 86 Autumn, 11:14 — Wedilen v. Lilit, accused of having her children maul me innocent
- 85 Autumn, 13:26 — Dorian Gray v. Unagi, accused of harassment and concealment of her past. frivolous
- 83 Autumn, 00:55 — Mac-arena v. Lotus, accused of impeding the protest against the new balance system guilty
- 82 Autumn, 10:51 — Gold Moon v. Dorian Gray, accused of Harrasment guilty
- 80 Autumn, 12:22 — Madcat v. Fuzz, accused of EVERYTHING SUX EVERYONE BITE ME frivolous
- 77 Autumn, 18:48 — Prue v. Haffron, accused of breach of contract and theft. innocent
- 73 Autumn, 19:10 — Tarf v. Resoir, accused of extortion and possession of stolen property guilty
- 68 Autumn, 15:55 — Fuzz v. Reznor, accused of Screaming fallen with no fallen in sight guilty
- 66 Autumn, 06:54 — Gurgi v. Lilit, accused of being an evil servant of the undine guilty
- 61 Autumn, 13:46 — Eomund v. Ajani, accused of Conspiracy to commit murder guilty
- 61 Autumn, 09:11 — Lucifer v. Narse, accused of exessive hugging frivolous
- 58 Autumn, 10:10 — MojoJojo v. Algernon, accused of loitering frivolous
- 58 Autumn, 06:40 — Tarf v. Lilit, accused of abuse of Solas and burdening a rescue guilty
- 57 Autumn, 08:15 — Tarf v. Malkor, accused of possession of stolen property innocent
- 53 Autumn, 00:00 — Terenas v. Vagile, accused of slander innocent
- 52 Autumn, 21:25 — Vagile v. Terenas, accused of Conspiracy for Public Indecency guilty
- 52 Autumn, 20:18 — Vagile v. Suu'ub III, accused of Conspiracy for Public Indecency guilty
- 52 Autumn, 18:36 — Fuzz v. Suu'ub III, accused of Trying to rape this poor kitten frivolous
- 49 Autumn, 20:16 — Tarf v. Lursa, accused of crimes against Puddleby and theft innocent
- 49 Autumn, 16:38 — Tarf v. Lursa, accused of theft and aiding darshak plots. guilty
- 21 Autumn, 08:58 — Blue v. Slyph, accused of defamation of Red Quill & confusion of the populous innocent
- 89 Summer, 22:10 — Revlis v. Helpful GM, accused of Physical Assult and Murder frivolous
- 82 Summer, 00:27 — Sofor v. Algar, accused of ripping Christopher off innocent
- 61 Summer, 14:45 — Chriz v. Baffina, accused of Excessive Cussing, Using Karma to Cuss at me innocent
- 57 Summer, 16:00 — Madcat v. Relkin, accused of hurting billiam emossionally frivolous
- 25 Summer, 02:03 — Lucifer v. Malkor, accused of Harresment and Thanking me frivolous
- 18 Summer, 21:21 — Thagor v. Licenses, accused of for not giving him the info I wanted frivolous
- 16 Summer, 08:05 — Leogic v. Lucifer, accused of Karma Bombing frivolous
- 73 Spring, 09:07 — sartikus v. Ledward Vicious, accused of sexual harrasment guilty
- 40 Spring, 11:46 — J'nder v. ManofMadness, accused of sexual harresment guilty
- 32 Spring, 14:39 — sartikus v. Zaroff, accused of harming lucero innocent
- 24 Spring, 15:55 — Elvin v. Papa, accused of not healing me when he was fallen frivolous
- 17 Winter, 06:08 — Rent-A-Hippie v. Klur, accused of trying to get me more death with rocks guilty
- 10 Winter, 20:06 — Zaroff v. Gandor Durin, accused of causeing a dent in my helmet frivolous
- 8 Winter, 20:14 — Bullingbrook v. Malkor, accused of help us get Gimli out of the jury box. innocent
- 8 Winter, 17:50 — Sadraz v. Sendorian, accused of for the murder of Sir West Lothspell innocent
- 7 Winter, 20:44 — Babajaga v. Luce, accused of murdering her own child guilty
- 7 Winter, 09:59 — Zaroff v. Licenses, accused of Puting an info I dont want and not taking it off frivolous
Year 536
- 85 Autumn, 22:12 — Madcat v. Helpful GM, accused of abuse of gm powers frivolous
- 81 Autumn, 14:44 — Zaroff v. Licenses, accused of for bribing the jury frivolous
- 81 Autumn, 13:27 — Zaroff v. Licenses, accused of For lieing in court innocent
- 77 Autumn, 06:30 — Zaroff v. Licenses, accused of She forever scared me with a myth around me frivolous
- 73 Autumn, 17:39 — Grape v. Korun, accused of calling me a man OOC frivolous
- 69 Autumn, 22:47 — Prue v. Herac Kleis, accused of assault with a flaming brand guilty
- 66 Autumn, 02:53 — Redul v. At'n, accused of causing me death, then droped rats on me. frivolous
- 61 Autumn, 18:13 — MissHeal v. Sephiroth, accused of for leaving Sara alone in a dark cave guilty
- 57 Autumn, 16:18 — Rim v. Narse, accused of abuse of a kitten frivolous
- 32 Summer, 21:22 — Terenas v. Teren, accused of For impersonating myself, and acting out of conduct guilty
- 32 Summer, 12:52 — Curun'ir v. Zaroff, accused of Disturbing the Public innocent
- 24 Summer, 14:00 — Myself v. Zaroff, accused of giving away mystic secrets guilty
- 22 Summer, 06:35 — Mork v. Polgara, accused of Mork accuses Polgara of being a non horus healer innocent
- 75 Spring, 08:32 — Tara v. DarqMax, accused of Greivous bodily harm with a rock candy guilty
- 73 Spring, 11:19 — Korun v. Zaroff, accused of bad karma bombing, giving mystic secrets guilty
- 71 Spring, 04:38 — Curun'ir v. Mala, accused of Harresment and Disturbing my Meditation innocent
- 8 Spring, 08:33 — Blind v. Noah, accused of Pulling into the arena and killing me frivolous
- 4 Spring, 01:22 — Raldin v. Zoman, accused of Stealing an axe guilty
- 1 Spring, 19:36 — Vagile v. Kalian, accused of Frog murder guilty
- 89 Winter, 15:00 — Mortis v. Suu'ub, accused of cowardly abandoning a comrad for his own gain innocent
- 85 Winter, 01:19 — Logi v. Commander Nate, accused of harresing algernon guilty
- 82 Winter, 15:05 — Starke v. Agratis Brax, accused of Refusing to heal me. innocent
- 81 Winter, 06:34 — Logi v. Nilor, accused of haressing algernon guilty
- 78 Winter, 05:46 — Logi v. John the Clown, accused of harresing algernon guilty
- 77 Winter, 06:10 — John the Clown v. Thagor, accused of threatening to sue me innocent
- 68 Winter, 12:31 — Logi v. Niiremmai, accused of harresing algernon guilty
- 67 Winter, 15:44 — Shamhat v. Niiremmai, accused of tricking Algy into entering the library guilty
- 64 Winter, 11:53 — Edge Eblan v. Fuzz, accused of talking about my momma frivolous
- 62 Winter, 06:01 — Poe Shroom v. Mushy Shroom, accused of not being shroomly in act or conduct innocent
- 61 Winter, 01:51 — Saturnus v. Thagor, accused of *You notice a horny Thagor licking your balls innocent
- 56 Winter, 00:18 — Balrog v. Niiremmai, accused of For throwing a rock at Algey. guilty
- 49 Winter, 06:21 — Althea v. Lilit, accused of endangering exiles and hamperin rescue innocent
- 45 Winter, 11:25 — Althea v. Sendorian, accused of kidnapping and murder. Bind for Inquest Court guilty
- 27 Winter, 20:21 — Sleipnir v. Prue, accused of spreading malicious slander about Sleipnir and Chum innocent
- 26 Winter, 20:26 — Oden v. Maz, accused of for cursing me when collect money innocent
- 26 Winter, 19:25 — Maz v. Elendil, accused of harrasing him and others in town guilty
- 23 Winter, 04:11 — Meriin v. Maz, accused of abuseing his powers frivolous
- 20 Winter, 05:03 — Krazor v. Christopher, accused of cursing himself and the gods frivolous
- 16 Winter, 03:47 — Thagor v. Meriin, accused of Being a false god and constant harrasment. innocent
- 12 Winter, 18:50 — Khaas v. Outcast, accused of being an ugly dickhead! frivolous
- 12 Winter, 13:03 — Hawkthorn v. Khaas, accused of pulling fallen so they could not be healed guilty
- 1 Winter, 10:51 — Prue v. Vagile, accused of assault with a poisoned witch sticker guilty
Year 535
- 86 Autumn, 14:22 — Chaotic v. Slant, accused of being a bad bad boy. guilty
- 86 Autumn, 05:52 — Sentient v. Lilit, accused of turning him into a monster innocent
- 83 Autumn, 18:27 — Oden v. Thagor, accused of going to resetus with bison mistrial
- 82 Autumn, 02:34 — Jackie v. ShadowSky, accused of sexually harrassed me in town square! guilty
- 76 Autumn, 11:42 — Bison v. Ther' Anger, accused of dragging dead into library guilty
- 71 Autumn, 13:28 — Bison v. Transonic, accused of destroying quest mistrial
- 69 Autumn, 20:44 — Waza-ari v. Tonle, accused of being fallen too long innocent
- 57 Autumn, 06:14 — Madkat v. Soulmaster, accused of hurting women and being ugly to children innocent
- 52 Autumn, 12:00 — Spring v. Malkor, accused of countinuing to be abusive innocent
- 52 Autumn, 08:26 — Spring v. Malkor, accused of child abuse frivolous
- 32 Autumn, 08:12 — Pigment v. Meriin, accused of bk bombing guilty
- 27 Autumn, 18:08 — Fir'Groth v. Thagor, accused of BK bombing me for no reason. innocent
- 24 Autumn, 20:12 — Thagor v. Silent Attack, accused of Theivery and taking advantage of the drunk. guilty
- 20 Autumn, 19:56 — Bran v. Tarf, accused of stealing my vision pendant which helps Puddleby. innocent
- 16 Autumn, 11:53 — Vintus v. Ther' Anger, accused of causing karma bombing and harm to society. innocent
- 3 Autumn, 16:54 — Tarf v. Ther' Anger, accused of slander, libel, and harrasment guilty
- 90 Summer, 16:05 — Tarfette v. Iho, accused of being the biggest wuss in the lands frivolous
- 90 Summer, 13:32 — Iho v. Tarfette, accused of hitting me with her club. guilty
- 77 Summer, 16:32 — ToriAnn v. Turismao, accused of Harrasment innocent
- 77 Summer, 14:53 — Tarf v. Ther' Anger, accused of luring algernon to the ocean. innocent
- 64 Summer, 11:39 — Outcast v. Meriin, accused of Breach of Peace guilty
- 58 Summer, 02:39 — Byzreal v. Xantcha, accused of stealing my vision pendant. frivolous
- 48 Summer, 20:00 — Telan v. Jason, accused of sexual harassment of Fayerye, Thirza, and others guilty
- 48 Summer, 17:22 — Christopher v. Suu'ub III, accused of not paying me back frivolous
- 48 Summer, 15:35 — Telan v. Madkat, accused of stealing of an axe. guilty
- 48 Summer, 13:54 — Christopher v. Suu'ub III, accused of not paying me back innocent
- 45 Summer, 00:49 — John the Clown v. Chum, accused of in the name of Atomical frivolous
- 37 Summer, 16:09 — Charlos v. Cutlas, accused of incessant zombieness innocent
- 36 Summer, 03:10 — Adam v. Prue, accused of being cruel and rude frivolous
- 36 Summer, 01:13 — Atomical v. Luce, accused of harrassemnt via assholeishness frivolous
- 34 Summer, 01:02 — Lunaria v. Malkor, accused of getting me killed and kudzing me in guilty
- 33 Summer, 22:48 — Bran v. Lilit, accused of committing crimes againt humanity for the undine guilty
- 32 Summer, 07:59 — Tarf v. Lilit, accused of killing exiles and invading town innocent
- 31 Summer, 21:55 — James v. Malkor, accused of For pushing algernon into a fire frivolous
- 28 Summer, 23:00 — Onixx v. Atomical, accused of Telling out insanities. innocent
- 28 Summer, 21:06 — Binky v. Ther' Anger, accused of Disturbing the Peace guilty
- 28 Summer, 13:24 — John the Clown v. Algernon, accused of hiding his evilness behind a cheap costume innocent
- 16 Summer, 08:02 — Malkor v. Babajaga, accused of letting Sleipnir take the fall for her theivery. guilty
- 15 Summer, 15:37 — Gumdar v. Sleipnir, accused of Theivery and other unknightly things guilty
- 12 Summer, 16:10 — The Jaji v. Malkor, accused of unlawfull stealing of bramble berries innocent
- 3 Summer, 02:32 — Jenna v. Suu'ub III, accused of Sexual Harassment guilty
- 3 Summer, 01:05 — Saturnus v. Jenna, accused of robbery innocent
- 86 Spring, 09:49 — Tarf v. Chum, accused of Lying about free Beer! innocent
- 76 Spring, 21:04 — Claynar v. Apocalypse, accused of keep trying to put algernon in the knights of watch innocent
- 75 Spring, 19:26 — Iho v. Ryder, accused of Swearing in town and being rude. innocent
- 74 Spring, 02:33 — Xantcha v. Michael Aridfox, accused of The murder of Syndir. innocent
- 65 Spring, 21:43 — Valcor v. Jason, accused of using profanity guilty
- 52 Spring, 23:53 — Mervine v. Ksyr Agasha, accused of interfering in the Alter rebuilding guilty
- 52 Spring, 19:28 — Sparky v. Jackie, accused of light Harrsment&Being a nuisance to puddlby frivolous
- 52 Spring, 18:13 — Charlos v. Natas, accused of getting baba out of jail innocent
- 50 Spring, 06:02 — Tigger v. Prue, accused of refusing to honor Day Of Niceness for cash deal. innocent
- 43 Spring, 18:49 — Sisyphus v. Fuzz, accused of engineering a depart for me guilty
- 43 Spring, 07:24 — Rimbaud v. Natas, accused of Of breaking the Altar frivolous
- 40 Spring, 12:02 — Niall v. Master Hekus, accused of he's a thief money doesn't purify innocent
- 40 Spring, 10:26 — Bane v. Master Hekus, accused of being involved in a underground alter cartel frivolous
- 34 Spring, 12:17 — Natas v. Charlos, accused of smelling funny innocent
- 34 Spring, 11:34 — Charlos v. Natas, accused of he pulled me innocent
- 34 Spring, 10:56 — Charlos v. Natas, accused of he pushed me innocent
- 21 Spring, 00:18 — Sutai v. Ksyr Agasha, accused of give bad potion guilty
- 9 Spring, 11:23 — Lorian v. Prue, accused of stealing broken blade frm Vagile and extortion guilty
- 9 Spring, 04:15 — Tarf v. Lilit, accused of Impeding rescues and being undine innocent
- 4 Spring, 04:30 — Atomical v. AgelessStranger, accused of abducting algernon and scrambling his brain guilty
- 90 Winter, 21:35 — Cat v. Shadowfire, accused of Appeal time frivolous
- 90 Winter, 19:51 — Cat v. Shadowfire, accused of Cussing, Exsesive use of Foul Language innocent
- 89 Winter, 15:07 — Marmoset v. Draupnir, accused of slander and violating the fourth vow of knighthood innocent
- 73 Winter, 14:01 — Lunaria v. Malkor, accused of disruption of the dunilsar innocent
- 65 Winter, 08:58 — Kadlin v. Wolverine, accused of for swearing at me and a bunch of other ppl. frivolous
- 65 Winter, 03:56 — Cat v. Wolverine, accused of Cursing in town, using fould language guilty
- 57 Winter, 05:47 — Bigfat v. Meriin, accused of Player Harrasment innocent
- 44 Winter, 22:22 — Suu'ub III v. Noah, accused of Karma Bombing (Held on IC terms) innocent
- 41 Winter, 17:20 — Oberon v. Leogic, accused of slander innocent
- 37 Winter, 00:25 — Wargem v. Ptolemy, accused of staeling my gum frivolous
- 35 Winter, 23:16 — Magnels v. PeterOnn, accused of attempting to kidnap ToriAnn. guilty
- 29 Winter, 07:03 — John the Clown v. Algernon, accused of being the bearer of the apocalypse! frivolous
- 28 Winter, 20:22 — Chum v. Atomical, accused of being a boil on the buttox of the community innocent
- 25 Winter, 13:24 — Poe Shroom v. Wolverine, accused of for scaming me out of my hard earned Coins guilty
- 20 Winter, 11:32 — Telan v. Chum, accused of Its about time some one stood up to him. frivolous
- 20 Winter, 09:02 — Meriin v. Cat, accused of for killing my kudzu when I told here not to frivolous
- 16 Winter, 15:33 — Telan v. Natas, accused of 1st degree murder in safe area of arena, more... guilty
- 15 Winter, 21:22 — Chaotic v. Gworm, accused of interfearing with Licenses job. guilty
- 15 Winter, 19:12 — Chaotic v. Atomical, accused of interfearing in Licenses job. guilty
- 11 Winter, 21:59 — Mathena v. Powism, accused of Harrasing me innocent
- 11 Winter, 19:34 — Poe Shroom v. Noah, accused of spamming and directing BK at me guilty
- 11 Winter, 04:30 — Christopher v. Cd'd, accused of begging frivolous
- 8 Winter, 05:15 — John the Clown v. Algernon, accused of refusing to heal others frivolous
- 7 Winter, 22:18 — Torin v. John the Clown, accused of attempted kidnapping of Algernon guilty
- 3 Winter, 20:08 — Ashe v. Ther' Anger, accused of regicide and killing a healer in the Arena guilty
- 3 Winter, 11:14 — Zeasir v. Hulk, accused of luring a tree giant from the gates to town frivolous
Year 534
- 80 Autumn, 03:48 — Uldar v. Atomical, accused of being offensive to him. guilty
- 79 Autumn, 00:08 — Poe Shroom v. Torin, accused of trying to raise algernon frivolous
- 72 Autumn, 19:12 — Soulmaster v. Haffron, accused of using obscene language and making threats frivolous
- 70 Autumn, 10:31 — Mace Windu v. Mervin, accused of Disturbing the peace with a song of one note x 500 innocent
- 69 Autumn, 20:16 — Ramza v. Haffron, accused of theft of an axe. guilty
- 64 Autumn, 18:00 — Ramza v. Baby, accused of Refusing to aide during a time of crisis. frivolous
- 61 Autumn, 13:26 — Adam v. Ther' Anger, accused of trying to sue Gaia frivolous
- 61 Autumn, 11:48 — Malkor v. Lilit, accused of conspiring against exiles with the undine innocent
- 61 Autumn, 10:26 — Bane v. Wrath, accused of taking advantage of him innocent
- 89 Summer, 18:16 — Hulk v. Lilit, accused of Leading undine onto other exiles. frivolous
- 88 Summer, 21:22 — Hulk v. Turalyon, accused of Sexual Harrasment guilty
- 86 Summer, 19:10 — Zukapus v. Blur, accused of larceny and lyin and swindlin frivolous
- 82 Summer, 18:05 — Vagile Savane v. Hulk, accused of failure to uphold word of honor over a bet guilty
- 82 Summer, 16:01 — Noah v. John the Clown, accused of Pulling and Pushing Algernon out of town. guilty
- 82 Summer, 05:48 — Rimbaud v. Ther' Anger, accused of Fowl Language and killing healers guilty
- 82 Summer, 04:04 — Lite v. Chum, accused of being made of Fudge. frivolous
- 76 Summer, 16:15 — Mya v. Suu'ub III, accused of trying to kill healers and bragging about it guilty
- 72 Summer, 11:24 — Stacey v. Atomical, accused of Harrasment on many levals and occasions. guilty
- 71 Summer, 06:14 — Althea v. Malkor, accused of an allegiance to Zonk and harming Algernon guilty
- 70 Summer, 15:22 — Lite v. Hulk, accused of Hurassment and obssesive name calling guilty
- 69 Summer, 18:03 — Soulmaster v. Algernon, accused of Being missing, best way to find him, sorry innocent
- 69 Summer, 12:01 — Marine v. Boggs, accused of foul language frivolous
- 68 Summer, 21:56 — Ashe v. N/A, accused of Regicide and killing a healer in the Arena. guilty
- 68 Summer, 16:20 — Bigfat v. Atomical, accused of pissing me off. frivolous
- 61 Summer, 07:05 — Stacey v. Atomical, accused of Harasment innocent
- 60 Summer, 07:35 — Wrath v. Polerand, accused of for being a pussy. frivolous
- 56 Summer, 06:20 — Cat v. Hulk, accused of Defamation of character, and bk bombing guilty
- 54 Summer, 00:42 — Rhelkos v. Lilit, accused of AccusesLilit of sacrificing exiles... guilty
- 52 Summer, 10:30 — Fleming v. Ther' Anger, accused of disturbing Dun'ilsar by killing spectators guilty
- 48 Summer, 18:00 — Kevin v. Natas, accused of coin bombing guilty
- 48 Summer, 09:32 — Papa v. Baerwizz, accused of being a punk! innocent
- 48 Summer, 04:34 — Madcat v. Jono, accused of taking the spawns in the rat tower frivolous
- 46 Summer, 09:05 — Venom v. Pat, accused of Sexual Harrasement guilty
- 43 Summer, 19:00 — Bigfat v. N/A, accused of being a nusence. guilty
- 41 Summer, 07:56 — J'nder v. N/A, accused of Indecent Assault guilty
- 40 Summer, 19:31 — Squirr'l v. Suu'ub III, accused of bein a jerk in TGBG guilty
- 40 Summer, 05:47 — Zoie Fighter v. Ther' Anger, accused of Bk bombing for no reason guilty
- 36 Summer, 23:00 — Thrax I v. N/A, accused of Leading a Greymyr into town guilty
- 35 Summer, 06:08 — Yor v. Ther' Anger, accused of Leading a Greymyr to town and killing people guilty
- 31 Summer, 11:16 — Syd v. Baerwizz, accused of for being a fat kitty who is gonna have kittens innocent
- 24 Summer, 11:24 — Samwise v. Absolut III, accused of calling me scary frivolous
- 19 Summer, 08:58 — Mya v. Ther' Anger, accused of giving bad karma for giggling frivolous
- 9 Summer, 03:39 — Mace Windu v. Fellows, accused of Disturbing sexual harrasment!! guilty
- 7 Summer, 23:32 — Jedi Knight v. N/A, accused of Ruining my reputation with BK and lying about me... frivolous
- 7 Summer, 18:57 — Meriin v. Stacey, accused of you mortals can banish me frivolous
- 7 Summer, 16:34 — Rimbaud v. BlackDevil, accused of for stealing metal from natas after natas payed me guilty
- 6 Summer, 21:59 — Soulmaster v. Bigfat, accused of He stole my beer! frivolous
- 3 Summer, 22:46 — ShadowLurker v. Soulmaster, accused of yelling obscenities through town guilty
- 90 Spring, 14:16 — Syndrael v. Michael Aridfox, accused of needlessly brining Orga raids upon the town. frivolous
- 90 Spring, 11:39 — Rimbaud v. Lilit, accused of for acting like a witch and leading undine out innocent
- 87 Spring, 01:58 — Blitzkrieg v. Hulk, accused of stealing guilty
- 83 Spring, 07:06 — Blitzkrieg v. Syndrael, accused of stealing guilty
- 82 Spring, 16:32 — Korun v. Syndrael, accused of Cursing Commander Nate fer fun guilty
- 82 Spring, 13:16 — Teo MacDohl v. Syndrael, accused of chaining me to north ocean. guilty
- 79 Spring, 23:02 — Ther' Anger v. Daishi, accused of Malicious intent towards the exiles of Puddleby. frivolous
- 78 Spring, 08:29 — Madcat v. Chum, accused of assisting in evilness frivolous
- 78 Spring, 02:56 — Slim v. Madcat, accused of poor sportsmanship innocent
- 77 Spring, 04:48 — Meriin v. Incognito, accused of fraud guilty
- 76 Spring, 17:00 — Savior v. Syndrael, accused of Fraud against Hulk frivolous
- 73 Spring, 23:52 — Madcat v. Hulk, accused of dragging me off while being healed innocent
- 73 Spring, 14:54 — Hulk v. Syd, accused of BK bombing frivolous
- 71 Spring, 16:58 — Soulmaster v. Edge Eblan, accused of For insulting everyone and swearing bloody murder guilty
- 69 Spring, 04:19 — Madcat v. Syd, accused of wasting everyone`s time frivolous
- 69 Spring, 03:16 — Syd v. Algernon, accused of For stealin my beer innocent
- 68 Spring, 22:25 — Syndrael v. Rogue, accused of locking me up in kudzu without a club. innocent
- 68 Spring, 09:35 — Syd v. Cid, accused of stealing his lollipop, the bastard! frivolous
- 65 Spring, 08:41 — Malkor v. Chums Mother, accused of impersonation and harassment frivolous
- 61 Spring, 08:36 — Madcat v. Syndrael, accused of forcing me to depart frivolous
- 57 Spring, 23:25 — Doli v. Lord Darkness, accused of Descruction of property guilty
- 53 Spring, 11:34 — Noah v. Noivad, accused of instructing his clan to curse me Sine die
- 53 Spring, 10:59 — Noah v. Noivad, accused of instructing his clan to curse me Sine die
- 37 Spring, 05:10 — Yojimbo v. Lilit, accused of Leading Undine and not healing Males innocent
- 36 Spring, 06:26 — Marine v. BumbleBee, accused of for swearing and saying sick things guilty
- 36 Spring, 00:36 — Relkin v. Cid, accused of defamation of character guilty
- 35 Spring, 17:05 — Mathena v. N/A, accused of For killing my kudzu after being asked not to guilty
- 33 Spring, 16:50 — Skate v. Murder, accused of attempting to purchase souls. innocent
- 32 Spring, 17:41 — Excaliber v. Ameria, accused of I'm geting her awake innocent
- 31 Spring, 22:53 — Victor v. WhiteAngel, accused of Harrasment and Spreading False Romours frivolous
- 31 Spring, 00:34 — Madcat v. Syd, accused of bking me for no reason frivolous
- 29 Spring, 09:46 — Malkor v. Chum, accused of aiding the hated darshak. frivolous
- 27 Spring, 18:18 — Phyl v. Ther' Anger, accused of resisting arrest from khan the guard frivolous
- 24 Spring, 04:30 — Atomical v. Eep, accused of messing with a newbie that doesn't know about stuff frivolous
- 23 Spring, 04:11 — Bigfat v. Cid, accused of being naughty. innocent
- 21 Spring, 19:44 — Mala v. Iho, accused of being too sexy for his white shoes frivolous
- 20 Spring, 15:48 — Silent Attack v. Syd, accused of taking 600 coppers by selling me a broken sunstone! guilty
- 20 Spring, 04:07 — Garr v. Cid, accused of killing chum's dog innocent
- 19 Spring, 19:43 — Suu'ub III v. Mork, accused of Putting OC hunting group in danger with his tactics innocent
- 19 Spring, 02:35 — Seal v. Incognito, accused of killing my kudzu frivolous
- 16 Spring, 19:24 — Hulk v. Lilit, accused of bond accuses For leading undine and killing people guilty
- 16 Spring, 04:48 — Marine v. Lilit, accused of leading undine out and kiling ppl guilty
- 8 Spring, 17:34 — Christopher v. Malkor, accused of he stole my money innocent
- 8 Spring, 08:40 — WhiteAngel v. Noah, accused of Stealing my money innocent
- 8 Spring, 00:06 — WhiteAngel v. One, accused of Doing very mean stuff to Stacey guilty
- 7 Spring, 14:05 — Polygon v. Syd, accused of incarcerating a jury. innocent
- 7 Spring, 09:09 — Chum v. Christopher, accused of extortion and harrassment. guilty
- 7 Spring, 00:04 — Noivad v. Lilit, accused of leading undine out of the cavern and causing many deaths guilty
- 6 Spring, 18:37 — Excaliber v. Bigfat, accused of being big and fat frivolous
- 5 Spring, 21:41 — Soulmaster v. Algernon, accused of Sorry i had to get Algernon out of a locked room in the purple tor frivolous
- 4 Spring, 03:32 — Commander Nate v. Devil, accused of dragging Commander Nate to a dangerous area. guilty
- 3 Spring, 14:04 — Victor v. Pestilence, accused of killing algernon's kudzu innocent
- 2 Spring, 20:51 — Nyt'Shyd v. Meriin, accused of Abuseing Algernon, And Harming Him innocent
- 2 Spring, 10:14 — Mad Hatter v. Llerendel, accused of Harrassing my friends. frivolous
- 90 Winter, 14:44 — Sassy v. BumbleBee, accused of harassment, slander, and outrageously rude behavior innocent
- 90 Winter, 08:42 — Fuzz v. Terenas, accused of For being too dead to heal..... innocent
- 89 Winter, 23:34 — Soulmaster v. Rip, accused of for giving me at least 5 bad karma for a bad reason innocent
- 89 Winter, 21:08 — Soulmaster v. Lilit, accused of For leading undines outside the Undine cave guilty
- 89 Winter, 07:22 — Llerendel v. Cid, accused of sexually assaulting Algernon in the Purple Tor Inn innocent
- 86 Winter, 06:14 — Syd v. Chum, accused of Ill dressing. frivolous
- 85 Winter, 21:32 — Seal v. Gandor Durin, accused of yum this candy bar tastes good frivolous
- 85 Winter, 04:38 — Silent Attack v. Edge Osmosis, accused of smelling bad frivolous
- 81 Winter, 20:21 — Soulmaster v. Joy, accused of pushing around algernon frivolous
- 81 Winter, 17:33 — Nyt'Shyd v. N/A, accused of Disturbing the Peace, Useing Profain Language guilty
- 81 Winter, 14:49 — Sithe v. Bond, accused of attacking Plegrus, the playground keeper guilty
- 78 Winter, 05:37 — Nyt'Shyd v. Victor, accused of Disturbing The Peace. frivolous
- 78 Winter, 01:39 — Victor v. Lilit, accused of Droping unding on people and leading unding out of the unding pit innocent
- 76 Winter, 23:34 — Victor v. Rimbaud, accused of Throwing a fight in the coliseum guilty
- 76 Winter, 13:28 — Victor v. Joy, accused of 1. Harrasing algernon 2. Turing his cloths back to tan innocent
- 76 Winter, 06:32 — Rimbaud v. Syd, accused of for threatening to delete my charector innocent
- 74 Winter, 16:38 — Teioh v. Zwei, accused of for her own safety we need to lock her up guilty
- 73 Winter, 08:03 — Jackie v. Fuzz, accused of was involved in the accuse from theranger and paid him to accuse me to be 1) Hitler's daughter 2)a supernazi-kraut 3)a demon spawn whore and some other things! i'll hold this court OOC cause the accuses for that he paid are all OOC and are an insult and offend for me in RL i hope the jurors can accept that. thx. innocent
- 73 Winter, 00:25 — Teioh v. Algernon, accused of nonstop harassment frivolous
- 72 Winter, 22:48 — Victor v. Edge, accused of Cussing in town and making a nusiance of him self innocent
- 72 Winter, 12:05 — Gil-Galad v. Edge Osmosis, accused of Cursing and making a nuisance of himsel. guilty
- 71 Winter, 18:13 — Jackie v. Ther' Anger, accused of he accused me off being hitler's daughter a nazi-karut and many bad hings..... i'll hold this court ooc. guilty
- 70 Winter, 01:02 — Nyt'Shyd v. N/A, accused of calling me his Dog guilty
- 69 Winter, 17:46 — Sassy v. BumbleBee, accused of threats of rape, slander, and harasement guilty
- 69 Winter, 10:35 — Ther' Anger v. Jackie, accused of (by popular demand,represnted by Ther'Anger) 1.Hitlers daughter. 2.For being a supernazi-kraut 3.Bad fighter. 4.Demon spawn whore 5. Doesn't heal frivolous
- 69 Winter, 00:23 — Marine v. Bond, accused of For using constant unnecessary profanity in our town of puddleby frivolous
- 68 Winter, 12:08 — Syd v. Joy, accused of Being a neglagent mother innocent
- 68 Winter, 01:07 — Nyt'Shyd v. N/A, accused of Haressing Me And Others frivolous
- 67 Winter, 21:22 — Atomical v. Nyt'Shyd, accused of karma bombing me, again frivolous
- 66 Winter, 02:10 — Edward v. N/A, accused of Harrasing algernon(again) frivolous
- 65 Winter, 15:48 — Cid v. LonesomeDove, accused of killing frogs frivolous
- 65 Winter, 06:34 — Edward v. Lilit, accused of Dropping unding on people in the unding pit constantly guilty
- 64 Winter, 20:36 — Joy v. Fuzz, accused of Being in the eastern pass day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day after day a frivolous
- 64 Winter, 17:34 — White Wolf v. Lilit, accused of leading undine on to those being healed guilty
- 64 Winter, 01:33 — Natas v. Algernon, accused of falling innocent
- 63 Winter, 20:00 — Cid v. Ther' Anger, accused of leading a Greymyr into town innocent
- 63 Winter, 18:10 — Bond v. Joy, accused of killing butterflys innocent
- 63 Winter, 16:08 — Atomical v. N/A, accused of killing butterflys guilty
- 63 Winter, 13:54 — Rimbaud v. Cu Roi, accused of deadness frivolous
- 62 Winter, 03:40 — Nyt'Shyd v. WormTounge, accused of Being to Dead!!!!! innocent
- 61 Winter, 10:13 — Rimbaud v. Nyt'Shyd, accused of curseing atomical and not stoping innocent
- 61 Winter, 02:00 — Cid v. Chum, accused of for being evil frivolous
- 60 Winter, 23:51 — Wrath v. Suu'ub III, accused of sexually harrassing my dead body on south beach guilty
- 60 Winter, 04:53 — Nisse v. Edward, accused of Calling Sylvans idiots. frivolous
- 58 Winter, 02:18 — Edward v. Lilit, accused of Messing up the Thoom tree fest innocent
- 57 Winter, 10:03 — Edward v. Gil-Galad, accused of Wasting time of the jurors frivolous
- 57 Winter, 07:47 — Gil-Galad v. Atomical, accused of harassment. innocent
- 57 Winter, 05:22 — Iho v. Ther' Anger, accused of Stealing 3 of my tarts guilty
- 57 Winter, 02:59 — Gil-Galad v. BumbleBee, accused of harassment on the order of the mini innocent
- 55 Winter, 13:40 — Bane v. Haseo, accused of Frog Killing frivolous
- 53 Winter, 04:33 — Edward v. Joy, accused of karam bombing me(Edward) innocent
- 53 Winter, 00:53 — Edward v. Joy, accused of Harrasing Algernon guilty
- 12 Winter, 02:46 — Healery v. Doa Noog, accused of fraud and embezzlement guilty
- 4 Winter, 15:22 — Nyt'Shade v. N/A, accused of Sexualy harresing me innocent
- 4 Winter, 12:24 — Nyt'Shade v. Atomical, accused of Being Rude And Unkind. guilty
- 4 Winter, 05:04 — Beast v. Mortis, accused of He is karma bombing me and telling others to karma bomb me when i would not leave the rat tower i was hunting in. frivolous
- 2 Winter, 15:51 — Wrath v. Hax, accused of being a theif! guilty
- 2 Winter, 10:50 — Bigfat v. Gaia's Lawyer, accused of Being a pain, and she asked me to sue her. frivolous
Year 533
These transcripts are from the very earliest days of the court’s existence.
Back then, Clera the court clerk — and, to a certain extent, Judge Haengemie himself —
were still learning the finer points of their jobs.
Contemporary accounts also allude to a certain faint beery aroma that could sometimes
be detected emanating from the back rooms of the Courthouse.
(No judicial malfeasance was ever proved; but, nevertheless, a blanket prohibition on all forms of alcohol usage by courtroom staff was enacted in Y561.)
Accordingly, when perusing the records, you should not be surprised to encounter
the occasional lacunae, not to say outright errors, in courtroom procedure, spelling, formatting, etc.
- 89 Autumn, 06:17 — Wrath v. Teioh, accused of Hitting a women (Relkin) in front of poor disabled Billy, and setting a bad example guilty
- 88 Autumn, 14:59 — Kalian v. Chum, accused of Whoops laged into Constance frivolous
- 88 Autumn, 11:10 — Hawkthorn v. Atomical, accused of buggin chum guilty
- 88 Autumn, 01:32 — WhiteAngel v. Ther' Anger, accused of Stealing my money innocent
- 84 Autumn, 17:58 — Rimbaud v. Ther' Anger, accused of for cursen me when i healed him frivolous
- 84 Autumn, 11:43 — Rimbaud v. Ther' Anger, accused of he always is innocent and takes up the courts time guilty
- 81 Autumn, 10:08 — Nyt'Shade v. Joy, accused of Harressing Alger, Trying to force him to Study guilty
- 81 Autumn, 05:33 — Baerwizz v. Ther' Anger, accused of Attempting to sell land that is not his. guilty
- 77 Autumn, 16:23 — Ther' Anger v. Al Capone, accused of for being an ugly butterfly frivolous
- 77 Autumn, 15:05 — Rimbaud v. Ther' Anger, accused of takeing people to court for no reason and getting away with it innocent
- 77 Autumn, 13:37 — Teioh v. Ther' Anger, accused of to give his worthless ass what it deserves for his prior convictions innocent
- 77 Autumn, 11:33 — Ther' Anger v. Rimbaud, accused of Mass Murdering innocent
- 61 Autumn, 04:40 — BumbleBee v. Jedi Knight, accused of Karma bombing frivolous
- 15 Autumn, 05:06 — Chum v. Jo Ma'ril, accused of trying to hide behind a see-through tree. frivolous
- 62 Summer, 16:19 — Duste v. Angel, accused of of dying right before she has to play, and this is to save her frivolous
- 61 Summer, 17:42 — Teioh v. The Ranger, accused of murder, Sexual harassment, and treason against puddlesby guilty
- 49 Summer, 10:28 — Jade v. Skye, accused of Being cure and not dieng and not wanting to depart guilty
- 49 Summer, 00:15 — Meriin v. Stormraven, accused of need to blow off some steam sorry kill meowth hit and run chicken frivolous
- 48 Summer, 21:52 — Meowth v. Meriin, accused of being evil and leading monster to kill groups and killing kudzu crops of others guilty
- 48 Summer, 20:12 — Iho v. Egden, accused of Stealing my tarts guilty
- 48 Summer, 17:22 — Thkel v. Ther' Anger, accused of Hurry dispatch with that Zerk guilty
- 48 Summer, 14:48 — Ishanda v. Selucreh, accused of being Selucreh frivolous
- 48 Summer, 13:25 — Trena v. Nilor, accused of Wanting me to save her guilty
- 41 Summer, 00:52 — Meowth v. Beast, accused of orbing in the arnea(in the past) and leading an evil clan(clan evil) frivolous
- 40 Summer, 23:00 — Blur v. Wrath, accused of Test. Vote innocent frivolous
- 40 Summer, 10:21 — Tuan v. Gimli, accused of endangering others with his bodies placement guilty
- 40 Summer, 08:48 — Sassy v. Ther' Anger, accused of physically abusing her guilty
- 40 Summer, 07:21 — Oberon v. Duste, accused of Oberon accuses Duste of being dead. guilty
- 40 Summer, 05:58 — Vagile Savane v. Sassy, accused of trespassing guilty
- 39 Summer, 17:02 — Strongblade v. Sor, accused of littering and leading others astray to the south forest! guilty
- 39 Summer, 05:32 — Dan v. Wrath, accused of karma bombing frivolous
- 38 Summer, 20:06 — Manx v. Tomcat, accused of Manx accuses TomCat of disturbing the rat hut. innocent
- 38 Summer, 18:51 — Babajaga v. Manx, accused of disturbing the rat-nest in the eastfield guilty
- 38 Summer, 10:27 — Wudge v. Babajaga, accused of trespassing on a boloks lair guilty
- 36 Summer, 04:06 — Malkor v. Blur, accused of exploiting a weakness in the court system and bribing Judge Haengemie. guilty
- 36 Summer, 00:47 — Blur v. Malkor, accused of Hiding The Mystic Bong. frivolous
- 34 Summer, 18:40 — Thrax v. Ther' Anger, accused of Causing half of Puddleby to die. guilty
- 34 Summer, 16:54 — Thrax v. Ther' Anger, accused of causing 20 people to die guilty
- 34 Summer, 14:38 — Karma v. Astor, accused of being nice guilty
- 34 Summer, 06:00 — Althea v. Dierdre, accused of being dead in a hopeless situation guilty
- 34 Summer, 02:53 — Blur v. Snrub, accused of Being To Darn Short guilty
- 34 Summer, 01:32 — Blur v. Loco, accused of Being a Smelly Zo guilty
- 19 Summer, 12:54 — Caliban v. The Windbreaker, accused of orbing with evil intent guilty
- 19 Summer, 07:53 — Deroko v. Telan, accused of being an idiot frivolous
- 19 Summer, 06:15 — Misticus v. Zoie Fighter, accused of orbing frivolous
- 18 Summer, 21:20 — Stick Man v. Heat, accused of for being evil innocent
- 18 Summer, 12:30 — Vagile v. Iho, accused of being too sexy for his shoes guilty
- 18 Summer, 06:23 — Aaliyana v. BoreFang, accused of orbing in noids, orbing in the arena, and generally being a pain all around. Also behaving very badly. frivolous
- 18 Summer, 04:39 — Benylin v. Aaliyana, accused of she's stupid and because I can frivolous
- 18 Summer, 01:12 — Aaliyana v. Pepin, accused of breaking his promise. frivolous
- 17 Summer, 22:24 — Noivad v. BoreFang, accused of Orbing in noids, the arena and being and all out jerk who needs stricter punishment guilty
- 17 Summer, 16:38 — Sabin Figaro v. Sexymf, accused of being so damn. sexy frivolous
- 17 Summer, 15:24 — Iho v. Santa Chicken, accused of Not giving him a present last Christmass innocent
- 17 Summer, 10:41 — Master Pak v. yo-bo, accused of being bad innocent
- 17 Summer, 07:34 — Teioh v. Super Chicken, accused of Maliciously and cruely killing animals with an orb frivolous
- 16 Summer, 21:58 — Azreal v. Arqh, accused of orbing in noids guilty
- 16 Summer, 17:57 — Super Chicken v. Heat, accused of For Entertainment 8D frivolous
- 16 Summer, 14:41 — Bruin v. BulgingBeatrice, accused of stealing money guilty
- 16 Summer, 11:00 — Thad v. Koriel Fishbind, accused of being a cute frog! frivolous
- 16 Summer, 07:03 — Gil-Galad v. BoreFang, accused of general mayhem guilty
- 16 Summer, 04:03 — TheRanger v. BoreFang, accused of Impersonating an Inquisitor frivolous
- 16 Summer, 00:57 — Lanskar v. BoreFang, accused of Lanskar accuses BoreFang of Orbing and Cursing in Arena guilty
- 15 Summer, 22:27 — Selucreh v. Hate, accused of Orbing profusely, stealing the chance for others to earn money and experience. guilty
- 15 Summer, 17:54 — Tenrec v. Crashdog, accused of being evil. frivolous
- 15 Summer, 16:15 — Iheal v. TaToo, accused of for usein my charector in the coliseum frivolous
- 15 Summer, 09:24 — Vintus v. BoreFang, accused of orbing numerous times in the arena guilty
- 15 Summer, 07:52 — Iheal v. Epona, accused of for not talkin to me innocent
- 15 Summer, 01:42 — Mazic v. Shamhat, accused of frivilously sueing me on my choice of clothing. frivolous
- 14 Summer, 23:54 — Shamhat v. Mazic, accused of indecent exposure frivolous
- 12 Summer, 18:49 — Humane v. Commander Nate, accused of sexual harrassment innocent
- 12 Summer, 13:29 — Noa v. Kaija, accused of orbing in the Arena guilty
- 12 Summer, 10:15 — Gaiaa v. Idiot Savant, accused of being a public nuiscance frivolous
- 12 Summer, 02:54 — Malkor v. Bruin, accused of attempting to sodomize him while in jail! frivolous
- 11 Summer, 23:34 — TheRanger v. Babajaga, accused of theft innocent
- 11 Summer, 19:47 — Telan v. Malkor, accused of stealing 750 from Telan guilty
- 11 Summer, 16:37 — Gil-Galad v. Bruin, accused of many things innocent
- 89 Spring, 09:24 — Gengar v. Nilor, accused of leading monster into town innocent
- 89 Spring, 05:17 — Gaiaa v. Blade X, accused of being a whore frivolous
- 89 Spring, 01:46 — Blur v. Sexy Nurse, accused of Orbing In The Arena guilty
- 88 Spring, 20:11 — Blur v. Binky, accused of Being Rude And Changeing Profession frivolous
- 88 Spring, 16:22 — Selia v. Bruin, accused of For being crule to idiot guilty
- 88 Spring, 10:16 — Iheal v. Shadrock, accused of pulling Relkins tail frivolous
- 86 Spring, 09:26 — Hachey v. Mysticus, accused of stealing my 200c frivolous
- 86 Spring, 06:57 — SadEyes v. Chum, accused of SadEyes accuses Chum of annoyance and stupidity frivolous
- 85 Spring, 02:41 — Madd Hatter v. Relkin, accused of cruelity to animals frivolous
- 84 Spring, 14:00 — Telan v. Trena, accused of attempting to sue Relkin for petty things and other abuse to the justice system. innocent
- 84 Spring, 08:54 — Trena v. Super Chicken, accused of having pink Shoes frivolous
- 84 Spring, 03:07 — Darian v. N/A, accused of for being in the Carnival Grounds frivolous
- 83 Spring, 21:16 — Mr Hippo v. Darian, accused of giving me an EXTRA 15 mins on the 40 mins i had in jail 4 no reason frivolous
- 83 Spring, 20:03 — Darian v. Mr Hippo, accused of accusing me of being TO Damn Nice!! innocent
- 83 Spring, 18:59 — Mr Hippo v. Darian, accused of for being TO DAMN NICE! =) frivolous
- 83 Spring, 16:11 — Mr Hippo v. Idiot Savant, accused of hes a healer and he dosent heal! frivolous
- 83 Spring, 14:54 — West v. Vagile, accused of for refusing the position of Mayor, even when the populace demands it of him guilty
- 83 Spring, 13:48 — Molybdenum v. West, accused of being irritatingly polite to a fault! guilty
- 83 Spring, 11:56 — BoreFang v. Althea, accused of Sexual.harassment@town.square! frivolous
- 83 Spring, 09:43 — Ptolemy v. BoreFang, accused of Was fallen @ safe place, told me to depart & refused to heal. innocent
- 83 Spring, 04:14 — Loco v. Crow, accused of Loco accuses Crow of stealing kills and soloing in noids while a group was there innocent
- 81 Spring, 21:35 — Telan v. TheRanger, accused of harassing the beautiful unicorn, moonshimmer, throwing rocks at sassy, and other unspeakable crimes. guilty
- 80 Spring, 21:19 — Trauma v. Bruin, accused of mental incompetence guilty
- 80 Spring, 15:37 — Young Rage v. Magnels, accused of no doing his duty as a healer innocent
- 77 Spring, 08:53 — TheRanger v. Idiot Savant, accused of mimicing handicapped persons frivolous
- 76 Spring, 20:22 — Iago v. Blur, accused of Slander frivolous
- 76 Spring, 14:21 — Heat v. Idiot Savant, accused of being an idiot frivolous
- 74 Spring, 01:31 — Blur v. Iago, accused of Orbing in arena And Harresing Idiot guilty
- 73 Spring, 18:49 — Gil-Galad v. SpearFire, accused of orb-abuse guilty
- 73 Spring, 14:57 — John the Mighty v. BoreFang, accused of karma bombing guilty
- 73 Spring, 12:24 — Gengar v. SpearFire, accused of orbing in the arnea guilty
- 73 Spring, 04:08 — MysticPower v. Outcast, accused of Yelling too loud frivolous
- 73 Spring, 00:07 — Atomical v. Devil, accused of raiding puddleby frivolous
- 72 Spring, 19:52 — Telan v. MerIin, accused of being an idiot, trying to sue idiot savant, and being evil. innocent
- 72 Spring, 17:30 — Time Zero v. Chum, accused of makeing the void frivolous
- 70 Spring, 06:49 — Friar Tuck v. Merlock, accused of chain cursing, and orbing guilty
- 70 Spring, 03:49 — Selucreh v. Merlock, accused of orbing uselessly when being asked not to. guilty
- 69 Spring, 12:41 — MerIin v. Idiot Savant, accused of being a robot innocent
- 64 Spring, 06:42 — Vl'hurg v. Chum, accused of throwing his fight in the Coliseum innocent
- 59 Spring, 23:14 — Chum v. Zonk, accused of cursing Argh's moonstone mistrial